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Canadian symbols pronunciation
Match these pictures of Canadian symbols to the pronunciation of their names.
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Canadian food - pronunciation
Match these pictures of traditional Canadian dishes to the pronunciation of their names.
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Canadian symbols - names
Match these pictures of Canadian symbols to their names.
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Canadian food - names
Match these pictures of traditional Canadian dishes to their names.
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Irish dishes - pronunciation
Match the pictures of traditional Irish dished with the pronunciation of their names.
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Irish symbols - pronunciation
Match the pictures of Irish symbols with their name pronounced.
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Ireland - symbols
Match the pictures of these traditional Irish symbols to their names.
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Ireland - Traditional dishes
Match these pictures of traditional Irish dishes and their names.
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Wales - traditional dishes
Match the pictures of these Welsh traditional dishes to their names.
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Northern Ireland - dishes
Match the pictures of these Northern Irish traditional dishes to their names.
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Scotland - traditional dishes
Match the pictures of these Scottish traditional dishes to their names.
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England - traditional dishes
Match the pictures of English traditional dishes to their names.
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UK - symbols (pronunciation)
Match the pictures of these symbols of the United Kingdom and the pronunciation of their names.
Video Quiz
Whodunnit - Awareness campaign
Answer questions about this video and learn about murder mysteries... and the importance of awareness.
UK - Nations & Capitals
Complete the crosswords with the English names of the nations and capitals of the United Kingdom.
Relacionar Columnas
United Kingdom - Flags
Each nation in the United Kingdom has its own flag. Match the flags and the corresponding nations !
Mapa Interactivo
United Kingdom - Capitals
Each nation in the UK has a capital. Place them on the map !
Mapa Interactivo
United Kingdom - Nations map
The United Kingdom is the union of four nations. Place them on the map !
Relacionar Grupos
Food around the world #3
Match these French and English definitions to the corresponding traditional food.
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Food around the world #2
Match the pictures of these traditional meals with the country they belong to.
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Food around the world #1
Match the pictures of food with the names of these specialities of English-speaking countries.