GA5. AI-Maze Your Mind (Dutch-English)
AdivinanzaTo successfully complete this gamified activity, you must identify the specialised terminology of the Complex Communication Needs domain hidden within the image and the clues provided.
GA3. Wordify (Dutch-English)
Ordenar PalabrasArrange the words to get the translation of the proposed sentences. Pay attention, as all the sentences contain phraseological units with animals.
GA2. Letterize (Dutch-English)
Ordenar LetrasIf the letters you manage to arrange, an equivalent proverb you’ll exchange.
AG5. DesafIA tu mente
AdivinanzaEn esta actividad tendréis que descubrir la terminología del dominio especializado de las NCC que se esconde tras la imagen y las pistas.
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the hidden words behind each definition related to the topic of environment and sustainability.
AG3. Traduword
Ordenar PalabrasOrdena las palabras para conseguir la traducción de las oraciones propuestas. Presta atención, ya que todas las oraciones contienen paremias con animales.
AG2. Letrordena
Ordenar LetrasSi las letras consigues ordenar, una paremia equivalente a la original encontrarás.
Choose the correct option to create defining and non-defining relative clauses and participle clauses.
Guess the word! L y C (C) III
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's see how many words you can guess!
Guess the word! Legal and Socioeconomic Translation "BA-AB" (III) – English-Spanish / Spanish-English
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's see how many words you get right!
Guess the word! Language and Culture "B" applied to Translation and Interpreting (I) – English
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's see how many words you can guess!
Guess the word! Language and Culture "C" applied to Translation and Interpreting (III) – English
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's see how many words you can guess!
Guess the word!
Ruleta de PalabrasThe words you have to guess are related to cinema and television vocabulary. Let's see how many words you get right!