Unit 5 Vocabulary Word Search
Sopa de letrasFind key terms related to Unit 5.
Crucigramastudents read the definitions to complete the crossword puzzle
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters to make words related to weather
Impact Foundantion U2 Vocab 2
Sopa de letrasLook for the words we have studied
Vocaulary Unit 2 Impact Foundation
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters to make words
Be, Have and Nouns
Ordenar PalabrasOrganize the words so the sentence makes sense
Impact Foundantion U1 Vocab 2
Crucigramawrite the words
Impact Foundation U1 Vocab
Sopa de letrasLook for the words we have studied so far
Fluency Plus U1 L3
Impact 2 Unit 1 Vocab
MemoryMatch the words and pictures
Fluency Plus U1 L2
CrucigramaWrite the words based on their synonyms
Fluency Plus Conspiracy Theories
Ordenar Letraswrite the words
Fluency Plus AR
World English Intro - Unit 9.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words and pictures
WE1 Unit 1
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Fluency Plus AR
Sopa de letrasLOOK FOR THE WORDS
Fluency Plus U1 IL
CrucigramaWrite the words
Sopa de letrasLOOK FOR THE WORDS
World English Intro Unit 12.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch pictures and phrases
World English 2 - Unit 6.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and definitions
L and S 4 - Unit 6.2
Sopa de letrasLook for words related to cities
World English 2 - Unit 6
CrucigramaWrite the words
L and S 7 - Unit 5
World English Intro -Unit 12.1
Sopa de letraslook for words you might know
World English 2 - Unit 5
Ordenar LetrasMake words
World English Intro - Unit 11
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the professioin name and picture
World English Intro - Unit 11
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and phrases
World English 2 Unit 4
Relacionar ColumnasMacth the words and definitions
Gateway B2 Unit 7.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and definitions
World English Intro - Unit 10.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the images and phrases
L and S - Unit 4.2
CrucigramaWrite the words based on the definitons
Gateway B2 Unit 7.1
Sopa de letrasLook for words you might know
Impact Foundantion U6 Vocab
MemoryMatch the words and pictures
Gateway B2 Unit 6.2
Relacionar ColumnasComplete the sentences matching the idioms
World English 2 Unit 3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the pictures
Gateway B2 Unit 6.1
CrucigramaWrite the words from the pictures
World English Intro - Unit 5.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions and pictures
L and S - Unit 4.1
Relacionar Columnasmatch the expression and the definiton
L and S - Unit 3.3
CrucigramaWrite the words based on the definitions
Gateway B2 Unit 5.4
TestWhat is the definition?
Gateway B2 Unit 5.3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs and definitions
Gateway B2 Unit 5.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with their definitions
Gateway B2 - Unit 5 Vocab
Froggy JumpsMatch the words and definitions
L and S - Unit 3.2
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
L and S 4 - Unit 3
Ordenar LetrasWrite the words and expressions
21st Century 1 Unit 3
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
Let's Go 2 Unit 4
CrucigramaWords we studied
Gateway B2 Unit 4
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
L and S 2.3
Sopa de letrasLook for words
L and S 2.2
CrucigramaWrite the words based on the difinitions
Gateway B2 Unit 3.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the definitions
L and S 2.1
Sopa de letrasLook for words you might know
World English Intro - Unit 7
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and the expressions
21st Century 1 Unit 2.3
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
Gateway B2 Unit 3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the definitions
L and S Unit 1 Binomials
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letter to make a binomial
Vocabulary 2 Unit 2 21st Century 1
Froggy JumpsWhat does it mean?
Cities and Countries
Froggy JumpsCities and Countries
21st Century 1 Unit 2.2
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
Impact Foundantion U3 Vocab
CrucigramaWrite the words to complete the sentences
L and S 1.2
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
21st Century 1 Unit 2
CrucigramaWrite the words
Let's Go 2A Unit 2
MemoryMatch the words and pictures
L and S 1.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the definitions
Gateway B2 Unit 2.2
CrucigramaWrite the work related words based on the definition
Gateway B2 Unit 2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions an the definitions
L and S 7 - Unit 10.3
Sopa de letrasLook for the words. Then, decide if they are more or less assertive. Explain your decision
Gateway B2 Unit 1.2
CrucigramaRemeber the words we have studied in this unit
21st Century 1 Unit 1.2
CrucigramaWrite words based on their synonyms
L and S 10.1
Completar frasesL and S 10.1
Impact Foundantion U2 Vocab
Sopa de letrasLook for the words studied
21st Century 1 Unit 1
CrucigramaWrite the words
World English Intro - Unit 6
CrucigramaWrite the words
World English 1 - Unit 3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions and the pictures
Metro Starter Unit 5
MemoryMatch words and pictures
Let's Go 2A Unit 1
MemoryMatch words and pictures
L and S 10.2
CrucigramaWrite the correct words
World English 1 - Unit 2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words and pictures
Gateway B2 Unit 1
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
Impact Foundantion U1 Gram. 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatche the sentences to the pictures
World English Intro - Unit 6.1
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
Summer Break
MemoryMatch the summer break activity to the picture
L and S 10.1
Sopa de letrasFind the words
World English Intro - Unit 4
CrucigramaWrite the words
MemoryFind the pairs
Metro Starter Unit 4
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
World English Intro - Unit 3.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and pictures
L and S 8.2
CrucigramaComplete the activity
World English Intro - Unit 3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and pictures
World English Intro - Unit 2.1
Relacionar ColumnasDo the activity
L and S 8R 1
Sopa de letrasLook for words you already know
Inter 3 - Unit 5 Snapshot
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the country to the custom
L and S 9.3
CrucigramaWhat are the plural forms of these words?
WII - Vocab 1
CrucigramaWrite the words
World English Intro - Unit 2
MemoryMatch the words and pictures
WII - Adjective 1.2
Crucigramawrite the words
WII - Adjective 1
Relacionar Columnasmatch words and pictures
L and S 8.1 2
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
L and S 8.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words and definitions
L and S 7 - Unit 7.2
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
L and S 7 - Unit 7
Sopa de letrasLook for the adjectives
Flags and Countries - MSA
Listening+Speaking 4 - Unit 7
CrucigramaWrite the words based on their definitions
Body Parts
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Free Time Activities
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the pictures
World English 1 - Unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasAdjectives and Possessive Adjectives
World English 1 - Unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasNationalities and occupations
21st Century 3 Unit 2.2
CrucigramaWrite the words based on the definitions
21st Century 3 Unit 2.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the definitions
Inter Starter Unit 2.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the pictures
Metro Starter Unit 1 Vocab
MemoryMatch the words and the pictures
The Verb To Be
The Verb To Be
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the person to the verb
match the word and the picture
Review 2 - Heitor
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the months and days of the week
Face Memory Game
MemoryMatch the pairs
21st Century 3 Unit 2.1
CrucigramaWrite the words based on the definition
21st Century 3 Unit 2.1
Sopa de letrasLook for the words we've studied
Numbers and Months
CrucigramaWrite the names of the numbers and months
Metro Starter Unit 1
Memorymatch words and pictures
21st Century 3 Unit 1.1
Completar frasesWrite the words to complete
21st Century 3 Unit 1.1
CrucigramaFind the words
Inter 2B - Unit 14 WP
CrucigramaWrite the opposites
Let's Go 1 - Unit 3
My Family
MemoryMatch the word and picture
My Family
CrucigramaWrite the family words
My Family
Sopa de letrasFind the family words
Inter 2B - Unit 11 Word Power
CrucigramaFind the words
Inter 1 Unit 11 Word Power
Sopa de letrasFind the adjectives to describe places
Let's Go 2 Unit 6
Let's Go 2 Unit 6
Relacionar Columnasmatch
Unit 11 Inter 2 Word Power
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
Family for babies
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the family members
Inter 2B - Unit 11 Snapshot
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
Play a memory game!
I want to be a Monster
Relacionar ColumnasMatch pictures and words
Inter 2B - Unit 10 WP
Saint Patrick's Day
MemoryMatch the pictures and words
Let's Go 1A Unit 1.2
Let's Go 1A Unit 1.2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
School Things Babies
Relacionar Columnasmatch
Let's Go 2B Unit 5
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words
Let's Go 2B Unit 5
CrucigramaFind the words
Inter 1B - Unit 9
Sopa de letrasFind the words we've studied
School things
MemoryFind the pairs
School things
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and words
Collocations Inter 2 Unit 9
Relacionar GruposFind the right groups
Let's Go 1A Unit 1
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Food Unit 5 Let's Go
MemoryMatch the pictures and the words
Food Unit 5 Let's Go
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and the words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the number with its name
Sopa de letrasFind the words
CrucigramaFind the words
Sopa de letrasfind the words
MemoryMatch pictures and words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the pictures
MemoryFind the words and pictures that match
MemoryFind words and pictures
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and pictures
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Relacionar Columnasmatch the definitions
Impact 3 - Unit 8
Sopa de letrasFind the words studied
Unit 8 - Impact 3
CrucigramaFind the words
Community Issues
Sopa de letrasLook for the words!
plugged in
Relacionar Gruposmatch the words that belong to the same group
Community Issues
Relacionar ColumnasMathc the issue with the picture
TestAnswer the quiz about laws around the world
Creative Jobs
Relacionar GruposMatch
Unit 6
Sopa de letrasLook for the words
3rd form
Crucigramafind the 3rd form of the irregular verbs
MemoryMatch the shapes and the words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the shapes and the words
CrucigramaWrite the reactions
Sopa de letrasfind the reactions
CrucigramaWrite the colours' names
Sopa de letrasFind the names of the colours
Occupations 2
MemoryMatch the picture and the word
Occupations 2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture and the word
Relacionar GruposMatch
Adjectives and Adverbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the collumns
Video QuizAnswer the questions
Regular and Irregular
CrucigramaLook for regular and Irregular verbs
MemoryMatch the pictures and words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word and the picture
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word and the picture
Food Processes
MemoryMatch words and pictures
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture to the word it represents
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the name of the companie to its name explanation
Things I can
Memorymatch expressions and pictures
Personality Traits
Memorymatch the pictures or definitions to the worlds
Things I can
Relacionar Columnasmatch the activity with the picture
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture to the word
Historic Events
Relacionar Columnasmatch the two parts
Quiz Show
TestCheck the correct answers
Things I have
Things I have
Relacionar Columnasmatch
Compound Nouns
MemoryMatch pictures and words
Compound Nouns
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two hakves of the compund nouns
I have!
MemoryMatch pictures and words
Things I have
Sopa de letraslooks for the words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the pictures
Three Word Phrasal Verbs
CrucigramaLook for the Phrasal Verbs
School things
MemoryMatch names and pictures
Small Business
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the name of the small business with its description
Review 1B
Sopa de letrasReview before strat book 2A Interchange
CrucigramaReview before the strat of book 3B Interchange
World Problems
MemoryMatch pictures and words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch pictures and words
Match pictures and words
Places around the world
Memorymatch pictures with words
Electronic Problems
Relacionar ColumnasMatch vocabulary to pictures
Import and Export
Relacionar ColumnasMatch pictures vocabulary
Unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasLet's do this!