Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Hercules / Chapter4-5
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Zombie Attack 1-3
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Hercules / Chapter3
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Hercules / Chapter2
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Hercules / Chapter1
MemoryFind the English/Hungarian pairs of words
Past tense of Verbs
Froggy JumpsJump to the correct form of the verbs
Verbs and their Past Tense form
Relacionar ColumnasPut the present and past forms of the verbs in pairs
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Ordenar LetrasSpell the equivalents of the given words/definitions
KLETT-Unit1-Family-Phrasal verbs
Completar frasesFill in the gaps by clicking on the correct particle.
KLETT-Unit1-Family - phrases, expressions
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the correct phrase/expression from the list
KLETT-Unit1-Family-Adjectives/negative counterparts
Froggy JumpsChoose the negative counterparts of the adjectives
KLETT-Unit1-Family-Adjectives and counterparts
Relacionar GruposMatch the prefixes of adjectives with the adjectives describing personality
The Emerald Crown, Chapter3
MemoryMatch the Hungarian-English words
The Emerald Crown, Chapter2
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
The Emerald Crown, Chapter1
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Emma - Chapter6-7
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Hamlet Chapter4-5
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Emma - Chapter4-5
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Emma - Chapter2-3
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Emma - Chapter1
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Hamlet Chapter2-3
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Hamlet Chapter1
MemoryMatch the English-Hungrian words
Phrasal Verb Memory/Up5
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Phrasal Verb Memory/Up2
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
The Count of Monte Cristo7-8
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Sinbad/Chapter 4-5.
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
C1 Vocabulary-Topic1
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
The Count of Monte Cristo5-6
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Phrasal Verb Memory/Up4
MemoryMatch the Hungarian and English words
The Count of Monte Cristo3-4
MemoryMatch the Hungarian-English words
Phrasal Verb Memory/Up3
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Sinbad/Chapter 3.
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match English-Hungarian words
The Count of Monte Cristo1-2
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Sinbad/Chapter 2.
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Sinbad/Chapter 1.
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
MemoryMatch the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Match the English-Hungarian words
Conan the Barbarian/Chapter5
MemoryMatch the English words with the Hungarian ones
Match the English and the Hungarian words
Conan the Barbarian/Chapter3
MemoryMatch the English and Hungarian words
Phrasal Verb Memory/Up1
MemoryMatch the English and Hungarian words
Conan the Barbarian/Chapter2
MemoryMatch the Hungarian-English words from the book
Face transplant
MemoryThe game practices the vocabulary of a Guardian article: Face transplant man has 'life restored'
Fruit Memory
MemoryChildren have to match the vocabulary of fruits with the corresponding pictures
Baby Animals Memory
MemoryChildren have to match the pictures with the word cards.
The Shoemaker and the Elves
MemoryChildren have to match the vocabulary of the story with the pictures
The Magic Cooking Pot
MemoryWord-Picture Memory for a story of Oxford Classic Tales
Clothes Memory
MemoryChildren have to match pictures with words
Food Memory
MemoryChildren have to pair pictures and words
Vegetable Memory
MemoryChildren have to match the picture of a vegetable with the word
The Lazy Grasshopper
MemoryMemory Game with the pictures of the children's story
Bugs and insects
MemoryYou have to match the pictures with the words
Memory of Food
Relacionar ColumnasPlayers have to find the pairs of pictures and words
Animal Memory
MemoryPicture and word matching exercise