Rosco de Pasapalabra dedicado al tema de emociones
This is to help with the spelling rules in the present continuous.
This game is ti help you with spellings.
This activity is to help with spellings
This game is to help you with your spellings
This is to help study the homophones.
Use the given words to fill in the gaps.
Past participles for escape room
Furiture aorund the house
Match the photo to the audio.
Match the audio to the object
match the audio to the correct picture
Join the picture to the correct audio
Match the picture of the transport to the correct audio.
Name as many summer words as you can
match the job to the place
Match the picture of the transport to the correct audio.
Match the job to the correct picture
Find the names of places around town in this wordsearch
Read the clues about places around the town and do the crossword
Match up the picture with the correct audio
Connect the picture of furniture to the correct word
Find the list of different toys in the wordsearch
Turn over the cards and try to match the picture of furniture with the correct audio.
A crossword all about plants for second of primary.
Match the part of the plant with its function.
Click on an image and then click on the correct word to match them up.
Find the words all about Easter from the list. To circle the words in the wordsearch you have to click on the first letter and drag the mouse to the last letter.
Has superado el número máximo de juegos que puedes imprimir con tu Plan actual.
Para imprimir tantos juegos como quieras, necesitas un Plan Académico o un Plan Comercial.