Els evangelistes
TestLa Bíblia i els Evangelis
Maria's part bear hunt
DiálogoThis is Maria's part from the tale "We're going on a bear hunt"
Food 2nd
Mapa InteractivoListen to the audio and click on the corresponding food.
Food part 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio with the corresponding picture.
Food second
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture with its corresponding audio.
Food part 1
Mapa InteractivoListen to the audio and click on the corresponding food.
Food vocabulary
Mapa InteractivoListen to the audio and click on the corresponding food.
Sopa de letrasFind out the words related to seasons and weather.
The planets
Relacionar GruposMatch each sentence with its corresponding picture
The Solar System
Mapa InteractivoOrdinal numbers and the solar system
Animals description
Mapa InteractivoCan you guess what animal is it?
Chicken life cycle
Relacionar ColumnasA chicken life cycle
What do animals like
Mapa InteractivoWhat do animals like to eat?
Animals body parts
Mapa InteractivoVocabulary related to animals body parts.