The Doll's House by Katherine
Use the clues below and complete this crossword with words from the story.
Story Focus
Read the three endings for each of the sentences. All the endings are possible, but which one goes best with your understanding of the story? Choose one of them, and explain why you chose it.
Completar frases
The Christmas Presents
What are presents for?We give presents on special days like birthdays and name days, and festivals like Christmas. But why do we do it? Do we give presents because we want to show how rich we are? Or ...
Video Quiz
Cómo asignar tareas en Kahoot
En este video les voy a mostrar cómo usar el recurso Kahoot. Kahoot es una herramienta que permite realizar pruebas como si fueran un juego. Les permite a los alumnos trabajar de manera remotea y de...
Picture description
Describe the picture shown by using: a) prepositions, present continuous and there is-there are b) vocabulary about clothes c) vocabualry about personality and physical descriptions