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Read the sentences and match them with the correct simile to complete them.
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Medical Quiz 2
Read the sentences and write the words to complete them. You have the first letter in parentheses, but write the complete word.
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Comparatives and Superlatives
Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in parenthesis.
Completethe sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
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Likes and Dislikes
Write sentences about Bob, using love, like, don't mind, don't like and hate + a verb. ^-^ ^-^ = LOVE ^-^ = LIKE -_- = DON'T MIND u_u = DON'T LIKE u_u u_u = HATE
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Decisions, offers, promises 2
Complete the dialogues with WILL and WONT + a verb. Then say if it is a decision, a promise or an offer.
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Subject or Object pronouns?
Complete the sentences with a subject pronoun (I, he, she, etc.) or an object pronoun (me, him, her, etc.)
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Will, won't for predictions
Complete the sentences with will or won't and one of the verbs above. DON'T WRITE THE APOSTROPHE in the negative = WONT
Use the prompts to make sentences with superlatives and present perfect + ever. For example: It / hot country / I / be to = It is the hottest country I have ever been to
Complete the sentences with a comparative adjective or adverb + than ( + means more, - means less, = means equal). Read the sentences carefully to decide if you need an adjective or an adverb.
Telling the time 2
Look at the clocks and say what time is it. Use "the second way" (using to and past). For example a quartes past seven, ten to nine. etc.
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Present Perfect, Past simple 2
Complete with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in parenthesis.
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Simple Present - Questions
Complete the questions, you can read the answers first to give you an idea. Start with a WH
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Second Conditional 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis, remember to use second conditional. IF you have a negative write the contraction but WITHOUT the apostrophe.
Relacionar Grupos
Verb Rules for Third Person
Select a verb in base form and read wich group it belongs to, and then select all the verbs of the same group.
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Plan or Prediction?
Select all the sentences that are a plan, and then all the sentences that are a prediction.
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Select a word, read the title and select all the words related to that group.
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Possessive Pronouns
Choose the correct option of the ones in parenthesis to compelte the sentences.
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Complete the sentences with LETS (without the apostrophe) and a verb from the ones above.
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Complete with a verb from the options above, use an imperative in affirmative or negative. If it's in negative use the contraction and don't write the apostrophe.
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Time sequencers 2
Read the text and fill in the spaces with the correct options of the ones in parenthesis.
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Time Sequencers
Read the sentences and put them in the right order from 1 to 8 (what happened first (1), what happened next (2)... etc
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First conditional 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis, using first conditional.
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Adjectives 3
Read the sentences an choose the correct option of the ones in parenthesis.
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Past SImple or continuous 1
Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in parenthesis. if you have a negative write the contraction and DON'T use the apostrophe (wasnt, werent, didnt)
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Past Simple or continuous
Complete the story with the correct verb in past simple or past continuous.
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Past Continuous
Complete the sentences with the past continuous of the verbs in parenthesis. For the negatives write the contractions but witouth the apostrophe (wasnt, werent)
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Should Or Shouldn't
Complete the sentences with SHOULD or SHOULDNT (without the apostrophe) and a verb from the top.
Complete the sentences with a demonstrative pronouna and the correct verb BE
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Past Simple 1
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis. When there is a negative please write the contraction but NOT the apostrophe.
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Past Simple Regular verbs
Click on a verb and select all the verbs that belong to the same group.
Mapa Interactivo
Classroom language
Listen and read the sentences, then listen and click on the correct picture.
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Possessive Adjectives 1
Match the subject pronouns to the possessive adjectives.
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Present Simple or Continuous?
Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous of the verbs in parenthesis.
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Present Continuous 1
Complete the text with the PRESENT CONTINUOUS of the verbs in parenthesis.
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Uses of the greund 2
Click on a word, read the name of the group and select all the words that belong to the same group.
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Verb BE
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb BE. If it is a contraction DON'T write the apostrophe: isnt, arent, Im
Mapa Interactivo
Countries and Nationalities
Click on a picture, listen to the sentences and at the end write all the answers correctly.
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Uses of infinitives
click on a word, read the name of the group and select all the words that belong to the same group.
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Uses of infinitives
Complete the sentences with the infinitive form of the verbs in parenthesis.
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Pronunciation of the alphabet
Click on a word and read above it how it is pronounced, then find the other words that have the same sound.
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Past simple or Present Perfect 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis
Mapa Interactivo
present simple or continuous
Look at the picture and the sentences and re write them.
Tag questions 2
Complete the sentences with the correct tag question. Remember to write the question mark (?)
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Adverbs 2
Write the adjective and adverb in the correct space to complete the sentences.
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Reported Speech 2
Match the Direct Speech sentences (DS) with the correct Reported Speech sentences (RS).
Reported Speech 3
Order the words to make reported statements. Remeber to use capital letter (ABCD) and the final point (.)
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Present Perfect 2
Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in parenthesis. DON'T USE CONTRACTIONS
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so, neither1
Select all the sentences that can be answered with SO.... I, and all the answers that can be answered with NEITHER... I.
Complete the sentences with the correct form (going to or present continuous) of the verbs in parenthesis.
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Going to or present continuous
Select all the sentences that are completed with going to and all the sentences that are completed with the present continuous
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Fixed Plans or arrangements?
Choose one sentence read if it is a fixed plan or an arrangement and select all the other sentences related to the same group.
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Books and movies
Match the front of a book with the corresponding scene of its movie.
Third conditional 3
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis. SEPARATE them with a comma.
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Third conditional 2
Match the sentences with the third conditional sentences that have the same meaning.
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Articles 3
Complete the sentences with a, an, the, NA (when you don't need an article)
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Phrasal verbs 2
Read the definitions and match them with the correct phrasal verb.
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Phrasal verbs 1
Click on a verb, read the group and choose the other verbs that are of the same group
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Sports 3
Click on a word, read the sport and select all the words related to that sport
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Intentions or predictions?
Select all the intentions and after that all the predictions
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Countable or uncountable
Select ALL the countable nouns, and after ALL the uncountable nouns
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.
Relacionar Grupos
CLICK on one sentences, READ the group and select the other sentences related to that group ONLY. There are 6 for each group.
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Reported Speech 4
Match the Direct Speech sentences (DS) with the correct Reported Speech sentences (RS).
Reported Speech 5
Order the words to make reported statements and questions. Remeber to use capital letter (ABCD) and the final point (.)
Ruleta de Palabras
Superlatives 2
Complete with the correct superlative following the order of the alphabet. REMEMBER to write THE before the superlative
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Passive Voice 2
MATCH the active voice sentences with the correct passive voice.
Passive Voice 1
Make passive voice sentences. REMEMBER to use capital letters (ABCD) and the end point (.)
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Past simple or Present Perfect
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis
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There is / There are
Complete the sentences with There is/There are (affirmative, negative or question) and a/an, some/any.