Technology vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch one to the image
Can / Have to
Relacionar GruposThe student should match as appropriate
Past participle
Ordenar LetrasFind the past participle of the following verbs
Focus on language
Completar frasesComple the conversation
Classification of animals according to their diet.
Completar frasesFill in the text
Completar frasesComplete the dialog
Past tense verbs
Relacionar ColumnasJoin past tense verbs with lines
Could or Couldn't
Completar frasesComplete the sentences using could or couldn't
The girl in the pantheon
Completar frasesSelect the correct word
Answer accordingly
Advantages and Disadvantages
Relacionar GruposRelate your advantages and disadvantages of using technology in learning
Best Apps
Sopa de letrasApps that improve English learning
Action Verbs
Completar frasesComplete the words
Relacionar GruposRelate according to corrresponda
Sopa de letrasFind the names of the family