Autumn Senses Unscramble
Ordenar PalabrasTest your skills by unscrambling words related to the beauty of fall.
This is Britain- Halloween
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions
Ruleta de PalabrasEnd of the Year
I don´t want to be a frog
Video QuizListening comprehension
Froggy goes to Hawaii
Video QuizListening Comprehension
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the machine with its name
Machines help at home
Completar frasesComplete the sentences
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the tools and its name
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word with the picture
At the Beach
Video QuizLook at the video and answer the questions
beach holidays
Relacionar ColumnasListen and match the pictures
On Holiday
Relacionar GruposMatch all the words related: Beach activities Summer clothes
Relacionar ColumnasUne los sinónimos de las siguientes palabras.
Palabras con mp y mb
Relacionar GruposConocer y aplicar la norma ortográfica relacionada con las palabras que contienen mp y mb
Completar frasesCompleta las oraciones con el adjetivo correspondiente.
Comprensión Lectora
Relacionar GruposMatch the characteristics for the molluscs and arthropods
Completar frasesComplete the text with the words given.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the invertebrates
Likes Doesn’t like
Relacionar Columnas3rd person verb like
How much money...
Relacionar ColumnasCount how much money is in each jar
CrucigramaNUMBERS FROM 10 TO 80
Counting in tens
Relacionar ColumnasCounting from 10 to 80
Birthday Parties
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the text with the pictures
Birthday parties
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Birthday Parties
MemoryWhat do you like at birthday parties?
Animals Characteristics
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the characteristic with the picture
Dictation Listening
DictadoLikes and doesn´t like
Jugamos con las mayúsculas
Ruleta de PalabrasNombres propios de personas y lugares.
Likes & Doesn´t Like
Relacionar Columnas3rd singular practice with like
It's my birthday
CrucigramaFind the words:
Palabras compuestas
Relacionar ColumnasActividad de palabras compuestas