Match the numbers and the words
Match the question words
Write the correct word
Write the clothes + accesories.
Match the picture with the audio
Completa el crucigrama
Leer y clickar sobre la imagen correcta.
Ordena las letras para crear acciones.
Ordenar las letras para crear acciones
Unir imagen con sonido
Unir la imagen con la palabra
Find out the sports!
Find the actions.
Listen and match.
Look and write the words!
Read and guess the word!
Put the letters in order to create the word
Match the ordinal numbers with the audios
Click on the letters to write the word.
Find the words
Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.
Choose the correct option
Listen and click
Listen and click on the right person
Write the ordinal number
Click on the ordinal numbers
Write the ordinal numbers
Order the ordinal numbers
Find the ordinal numbers!
Match the clothes
Match the photos with the verbs.
Write long sentences using the present continuous
Choose the correct option.
Match the prepositions of place
Match the image with the word
What colour is it?
Match the photos with the sentence.
Write a sentence in present continuous
Match the sentences
choose the correct answer
Fill in the gaps of the to be
Try to finish this game!
Write the adjective.
Click on the correct body part.
Write the weather words DON'T WRITE "IT'S"
What's the weather like?
Match the weather photo and word
Choose the TWO correct options
Choose the correct answer
Complete with the opposite adjective.
Match the opposite adjectives
Label the colours of each balloon.
Read and choose the correct option
Write and label the body parts
Label the body parts