Getting to know our classmates, LH4A
Find words related to jobs.
Revise the vocabulary of the learning situation.
Which are the tools that we can use in the orchard? Let's guess them!
Revising information about women around the world.
Memory para repasar el vocabulario trabajado de frutas y verduras
Memory game to review unit 6
Landareak birpasatzeko jolasa
Game to revise unit 5 LH2-3
Game to revise the vocabulary of unit 5 (LH4)
Memory game to revise unit 5
Memory game about the places.
Substantziak eta materiaren egoerak birpasatzeko.
Materiaren gaia birpasatzeko jolasa
Elikagaien gaia lantzen ari gara eta mantenugaiak, elikagaiak nola kontserbatu eta dieta osasungarria birpasatzeko jolasa.