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La vida de Juan (parte 3)
Problemas para averiguar el precio original sin IVA y sin descuento
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Task 1 Problem 5
Problem 5: Two archeologists can dig a tomb in fifteen days. How many days will twelve archeologists take?
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Task 1 Problem 4
Problem 4: A person that walks at 15 km/h can travel a distance in twenty minutes. At what speed does another person walk if he travels the same distance in thirty minutes?
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Task 1 Problem 2
Problem 2: With six sheep we can make ten sweaters. How many sheep do we need to make twenty eight sweaters?
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Task 1 Problem 1
Problem 1: Thirty members of a tribe eat thirteen kilos of fruits and grains a day. How much food do they need for a week?
Video Quiz
Solución de una ecuación
Comprobar si un número es solución de una ecuación de primer grado
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¿Qué valor tiene cada cosa?
¿Qué valor tiene cada cosa? Bote + Bote = Chocolatina Caja - Bote = Bombilla Bote + Caja = Globos Chocolatina = 4 Bombilla = 1