Feelings and body parts
CrucigramaWrite correctly the words
Atumn Vocabulary
CrucigramaVocabulary about autumn
Deportes en inglés
CrucigramaComplete the name of these sports
The Ghost Ship
CrucigramaVocabulary of the book
Home and life. Unit 1 B1
CrucigramaComplete with elements of the house.
M (words)
Sopa de letrasFind them
Sopa de letras CK/C/K/ E
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Stages of life
Relacionar ColumnasConnect the word with the images
A Christmas Carol Vocabulary
CrucigramaWrite correctly all the words.
Body Parts
CrucigramaFind the parts of the body
Amazing Jobs
CrucigramaHere we'll work vocabulary related to jobs in English.
CrucigramaCrime's words
Irregular verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's practice the irregular verbs that we have seen class.