EF-INT (3rd ed.) 6BL2
Ordenar LetrasWarmer
Women's first
Completar frasesGap-fill exercise about first-time female achievers.
Litigation burden rises
Completar frasesGap-fill with legal-related text about the cost of litigation.
Exercise focusing on combinations of prepositions with legal-related words.
DRUNKEN MINISTER (B2HNS)_synonym match
Relacionar ColumnasMatch synonyms. Vocabulary level: B2
DRUNKEN MINISTER (B2HNS)_gap-fill text
Completar frasesGap-fill multiple-choice exercise. Use of context to imply word meaning. Text about public embarrassment.
NAMING AND SHAMING (B1HNS)_guess the word
Ordenar LetrasIn this task the students are to unscramble a word
NAMING AND SHAMING (B1HNS)_matching columns
Relacionar ColumnasTypes of punishments. Level: Intermediate
LAUGH THE LAW (B2HNS)_gap-fill text
Completar frasesGap-fill. Use the words provided to complete an article about India's outdated -and possibly funny- laws soon to be removed.