simple past
Crucigramacomplete the sentences
Relacionar Columnasmatch to the correct response
pets and numbers
Crucigramawrite the correct names
Simple past- regular verbs
Sopa de letrasFind the verbs in the simple past
Parts of speech
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two columns
Free time activities
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two columns
wh questions
Relacionar Columnasmatch the questions to the correct response
Free time activities
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures to the correct column.
Review Sat
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the correct picture to the correct response
Unscramble the sentences
Present simple - present conti
CrucigramaComplete the sentences in the correct tense
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two columns to form compound nouns
simple present
CrucigramaWrite the verbs into the third person