Hotel services & facilities
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess they name of the different hotel services and facilities
Working capital
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions
How many words do you know?
Ruleta de PalabrasDo this activity using the vocabulary of reception
Basic accounting vocabulary II
Relacionar GruposClasify the different items into: current assets, non-current assets, liabilities and equity
Basic accounting vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasEnglish time. Vocabulary related to the balance sheet
Functions of the reception dpt
Relacionar GruposFind the functions related to each division of the reception department
Accommodation establishments
Relacionar ColumnasLink each deparment with its definition
Elementos patrimoniales II
Relacionar GruposActivo, Pasivo y Patrimonio Neto
Elementos patrimoniales
Relacionar GruposLa pensión Uloa presenta los siguientes elementos patrimoniales. Clasifica los mismos en bienes, derechos y obligaciones