Irregular verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasIrregular verbs for 2nd ESO
Bach Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasVocabulary review
Instruments and Musicians
CrucigramaRead the clues and complete the puzzle with words for instruments and musicians
Reto 2. Going to vs Will 02
Completar frasesSegundo ejercicio para practicar will vs going to para hablar del futuro
Después de las vacaciones, repaso de para ver la diferencia entre going to y will para expresar el futuro.
1º ESO. Listening de repaso de todos los conceptos vistos en la unida 7. There was/were, past simple regular, vocabulary. Es el texto de la página 79 Ex 6 del Student's Book
Reto 2: Past Simple (consolidation)
Completar frases1º ESO. Ejercicio de repaso del pasado simple de verbos irregulares tras las vacaciones de semana santa. Texto de rellenar huecos.
Reto 3: There was -were / is-are. (consolidation)
Mapa InteractivoCompare these shopping bags. One is yesterday's shopping and the other is today's shopping. Can you tell the differences between yesterday and today? Don't forget to use "some", "any" or "a". Look at ...
Countable or Uncountable?
Completar frasesDecid si las siguientes palabras de comida son contables o incontables
Food names in Spanish
Completar frasesTranslate these food words into Spanish
Reto 1: Computer games (consolidation)
Sopa de letrasFind 12 types of computer games in the crossword
There was / were
TestCompleta las frases usando There was or There were para expresar "Había" en inglés. Recuerda que es igual que There is y There are, pero en pasado
was or were?
TestCompleta las frases con una de las dos opciones del pasado del verbo To Be: was o were
Unit 8 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 8 vocabulary from Spectrum 2
Unit 7 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 7 vocabulary from Spectrum 2
Unit 6 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 6 vocabulary from Spectrum 2
Unit 5 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 5 vocabulary from Spectrum 2 book
Unit 4 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 4 vocabulary from Spectrum 2 book
Unit 3 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 3 vocabulary from Spectrum 2 book
Unit 2 vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 2 vocabulary from Spectrum 2 book
Unit 1 Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasUnit 1 vocabulary from Spectrum 2 book
3rd ESO
Ruleta de PalabrasGeneral vocabulary about first 5 units of 3rd ESO
2nd ESO exercise
Ruleta de PalabrasFind the words for 2ESO groups