Numbers in English from 0-100
St Patricks vocabulary activity.
Common jobs and professions
Regular verbs crossword puzzle
Subject pronouns or possessive adjectives
Spelling rules -ed for regular verbs
Present perfect + for and since
few and little, countable and uncountable
Asociación de cosas contables e incontables.
Spelling rules for -ing for gerund forms
Opposite adjectives matching activity
Thrid person spelling rules
Vocabulary activity for daily routine verbs
Spelling rules -ed for regular verbs -ing for gerund forms
Vegetables vocabulary activity
Past simple, past particple and gerund of irregular verbs
Past simple, past particple and gerund of irregular verbs
You'll have the description of the places, write the correct word.
You'll write the nationalities of each flag.
You'll have the description of the places, write the correct word.
Complete the crossword puzzle.
You'll have the description of the places, write the correct word.
Guys this can be useful to prepare your description. (clothes)
You'll have to find the and match the clothes and the words.
You'll have to find the and match the clothes and the words.
You have to complete the sentences, they are first conditional exercises.
Find the name of the parts of the bodies images.
Read the text and complete it with the correct word.
Match the columns to find the past participle of the verbs
Find the past of the verbs learnt in class.
This is your first verb test.
Write the correct word, you have the first letter.
Get together the words that belong to the group.
Match the groups with the vocabulary options.
You'll have to discover the correct colour.
You'll have to write the correct fruit or vegetable.
You´ll have to write the numbers.
You'll have to complete the reading about Ed Sheeran profit from 2018.
Song from Norah Jones, you have to listen it on youtube and then try to complete.
You have to guess the correct name of the vegetable.
You have to guess the name of the fruit.