Tourist Maps
CrucigramaWrite the name of the symbols.
Order the sentence
Ordenar PalabrasDefiniton of economy.
True or False?
TestTrue or false sentences?
Sopa de letrasLook for vocabulary related to the unit.
Read and complete
Completar frasesComplete the sentences.
Work and jobs
Relacionar GruposClassify the jobs
Autonomous Communities
Mapa InteractivoComplete the map.
Multicultural Spain
Relacionar GruposSpanish dishes, festivals and foreign influences
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
National government
TestNational government
Local Government II
Relacionar GruposMatch the definitions
Local elections
CrucigramaComplete the definitions.
Human activity
TestTrue or false?
Man-made landscapes.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch.
The physical geography
Mapa InteractivoThe physical geography of Spain.
Completar frasesComplete the sentences.
Inland or coastal landforms?
Relacionar GruposMatch.
CrucigramaComplete the definitions of the landforms.
Rocks and minerals
TestTrue or false?
Rocks or minerals?
Relacionar GruposMatch.
Rocks and minerals crossword
CrucigramaComplete the definitions.
Rocks and minerals
Relacionar GruposMatch to make true sentences.
Types of rocks
Video QuizTypes of rocks.
Wells' definition
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentence to form the definition of wells.
Impermeable rocks
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentence to form the definition of impermeable rocks.
Ordenar LetrasDefinition of aquifers
Types of rocks
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentence to form the definition of porous rocks.
Ordenar LetrasDefinition
The water cycle
TestLet's see the different processes of the water cycle!
Nombres:género y número
Ruleta de PalabrasAdivina las palabras.
Signos de puntuación
TestElige la respuesta correcta.
Palabras compuestas
Relacionar ColumnasForma palabras compuestas a partir de estas palabras simples.
Repaso tema 6
Completar frasesCompleta con las palabras que faltan.
Rivers in Spain
Mapa InteractivoLocate the rivers in the map.
River basins
TestTry to guess the questions!
Oceans and seas
Mapa InteractivoLocate in the map the oceans and seas that we have learned in class.
CrucigramaLet's work about the definitions related to rivers!
Crucigrama inicial