Past participle verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the past participle form of the verbs.
Present perfect (verbs practice)
Completar frasesFill in the gaps using the correct verb.
Adjectives 2
MemoryMatch the adjective to its noun.
Adjectives 1
Sopa de letrasFind the words.
Regular plurals 2
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the plural noun by following the clues.
Regular plurals 1
Ordenar LetrasPractice the regular plurals.
Irregular plurals 1
CrucigramaComplete the cross word puzzle with the plural form of the following nouns.
Countable / Uncountable nouns 1
Relacionar GruposYou will do a matching activity where you recognice if the tems presented are countable or uncuntable nouns.
Quantifiers 2
Completar frasesAnother excercise about quantifiers (too, too much, too many, enough)
Quantifiers 1
TestToo, too much, too many, enough
Containers 2
Completar frasescontainers in English.
Materials 3
Ordenar LetrasAnother activity for partial 3 introduction.
Materials 2
Sopa de letrasWords searching about materials.
MemoryPractice containers with countable and uncountable nouns
Relacionar ColumnasThis is an introduction to the vocabulary we'll see in Partial 3.
Identificar hiatos y diptongos
Ruleta de PalabrasActividad para identificar hiatos y diptongos
Hiatos y diptongos
Completar frasesCompletar lagunas sobre la definición de hiato y diptongo.