Ley y Deber
Sí o NoUn juego para poner a prueba tus conocimientos sobre leyes y deberes.
Past Continuous
Relacionar Columnasmatch the sentences
Video QuizFor this activity you will watch a video about Norway Floods, you must answer the questions, either by writing or choosing the correct answer.
Relacionar ColumnasThis memory game is about matching the word and the picture correctly.
Video QuizStudents must watch the video, repeat it if necessary. Then answer the questions according to the part of the video.
Ruleta de PalabrasSPELL THE WORD
Action Verbs
Video QuizStudents must watch the video about action verbs, then answer the questions.
Look for the words
CrucigramaLos estudiantes deben responder las preguntas y buscar las respuestas dentro de la sopa de letras. Toman un pantallazo o fotografía del resultado y lo envían al whatsapp de la docente.
Prepositions of time
Video QuizStudents will watch a video about prepositions of time and answer some questions.
The Bermuda Triangle
Video QuizStudents will watch a video, write de questions on their notebooks and answer them.
Completar frasesstudents are going to complete the text with some verbs, they have to organize the verbs acording to the rules and the tenses.
Relacionar ColumnasStudents are going to match the description with the picture of the member of the family.
CrucigramaThe students will solve the crossword puzzle with vocabulary and grammar they know, in order to complete the sentences.
Making Activities
Relacionar ColumnasThis activity will have some vocabulary according to daily activities we do, they have to match the columns to complete or create a phrase.
TED ideas worth spreading
Sopa de letrasThe activity will be organized developing the following steps: 1. They have to read carefully the lecture “My mind-shifting everest swim”, apart into a PDF document. 2. Look into the word search ...
TED ideas worth spreading
Sopa de letrasThe activity will be organized developing the following steps: 1. they have to read carefully the lecture. 2. look into the wordsearch puzzle as many words as the students can find into it. 3. fi...
Daily Rotuine
Video QuizThe students are going to wath a video about daily routine", they have to answer the questions, complete sentences, and write a brief description of the daily routines in the video.
Countable/Non-countable Nouns
Relacionar ColumnasThe student is going to match the description sentece from column A, choosing countable/noncountable correct form, from column B
The students have to choose the correct option or answer for the following test.
Prepositions of Place
Relacionar GruposJoin with a line the correct description of the preposition with the word.
CrucigramaIn this activity students must look at the descriptions given across and down according to the images and fill up the wordsearch with the correct preposition of place.