TestEl Dorado prepared this presentation for you. Write the names of each place
This is a mess
Ordenar PalabrasHelp the chef to find the ingredients.
Find the indredients
Dictadowrite the indredients of each dish separated by a coma (,) then write the name of the dish in CAPITAL LETTERS Example: water, potatoes, meat, vegetables SOUP
Interactive Map
Mapa InteractivoGet to know typical dishes from the regions of Colombia
I want to travel
Video QuizHelp the visitors to find a colombian paradise according to their interests
Dress the people
Relacionar ColumnasChoose the outfits for the different festival and carnivals
Crossword festivals and carnivals
Crucigramalet's see how much have you learnt about festivals and carnivals from Colombia! Listen to the audios and write the words according to the definitions