Turn words into adejectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, etc.
Look at the pictures and say the name of the food
Complete the crossword using the pictures (complete el crucigrama usando las fotos)
Read the definitions and guess the words.
Guess what they are doing.
Expressions with "Make" - eyes open 2 unit 2
Find the food. What does she like?
Complete the definitions with the correct word.
Find the words and make connection with the story
Read the description and write the correct word
Look for words about the story. What do these words refer to? Write them down.
Match the words with the pictures.
MAtch and make a sentence
Put the events in the correct order
Find 8 means of transport
Match the picture with the correct word
Pre teens II- Today 2 (Pearson)- Proffesions- Ruleta