Elementary words in English
Ruleta de Palabrasstudents listen and write
The alphabet
Relacionar ColumnasListen and match
The leopard and the lighhouse_part 2
Ordenar PalabrasUnjumble these sentences
The leopard and the lighthouse
Completar frasesFill in the blanks to complete Saied's description
The leopard and the lighthouse
Completar frasesFill in the blanks to complete Jamal's description
The leopard and the lighthouse_Ahmed
Completar frasesFill in the blanks to compelte Ahmed's description
The Leopard and the Lighthouse
Relacionar ColumnasWho says what?
Relacionar ColumnasMatch pictures and words
Crucigramalook at the pictures and write the words.
Worbuilding: verb + noun
Ordenar Palabrascollocations_ free time activities
places in a city
Relacionar GruposWhere do you do these things?
Buying things
Relacionar ColumnasBuying products
Colombia's cities
Completar frasesreading. vocabulary. English.
Colombia's cities
Completar frasesReading. vocabulary.
Jobs in English
Relacionar ColumnasEscuchar y unir con las palabras correctas.
Jobs in English
Crucigramadiez trabajos en inglés para niños de primaria
Lesson 3
CrucigramaVocabulary practice for toefl exam
Vocabulry. toefl. lessons 1 an
Ruleta de PalabrasAcademic words to prepare to sit for the toefl exam. Lists 1 and 2.
lessons 1 and 2
Diálogoacademic English. vocabulary fro toefl exam.
Crucigramasome furniture items
Photo Finish
Crucigramashort story
present continuous
Relacionar Columnasdescribing characters
present continuous
Dictadodescribing what people look like and what they are wearing.
present continuous
Completar frasesDescribing what people are wearing
describing places 2
Completar frasesWriting descriptions of places.
describing places
Completar frasesdescrbing places in the city
places in the city
Relacionar Columnassome important places in a city
Crucigramala ropa
Relacionar Columnasla ropa en inglés
Sopa de letrasla ropa
Parts of the body
Relacionar Columnaslet's review some words.
Parts of the body
Crucigramaour body and their body
At the shop
Relacionar Columnasshopping dialogues. listening and matching.
Relacionar Columnasvarious words. Primary school. English lessons.
Relacionar Columnasschool objects, animals, family mebers
Crucigramanumbers, colours, school objects, family, animals
Diálogorevision of vocabulary related to colours, numbers, animals and school objects.
The leopard
Completar frasesPart three. The end...
The leopard
Completar frasesPart two
Relacionar Columnasmatch the columns
the leopard and the lighthouse
Sopa de letrasVocabulary
Relacionar Columnasvocabulary 2
Crucigramavocabulary 1
the leopard
CrucigramaVocabulary 3
the leopard
Relacionar Columnasvocabulary 2
The Leopard and the Lighthouse
Completar frasesvocabulary 1
Sopa de letrasobjects we find at home
Crucigramavocabulary revision
Countries and nationalities
Crucigramacountries in America, Europe and Asia.
Personal information
Diálogoreal life dialogue. Personal information exchange.
Crucigramaocupaciones en inglés.
International phone calls
Completar frasesuso del verbo ser- estar en inglés. nivel básico.
unit 1
Relacionar Columnasgreeting in English is an important skill