CrucigramaRead and complete the crossword puzzle about family members
Spelling bee contest- training
DictadoPractica para el concurso de deletreo
Spelling bee contest- training
DictadoPreparación para el concurso de deletreo en inglés
What do they want to be in the future?
CrucigramaAplicarás tu conocimiento sobre profesiones. Por lo tanto lee cuidadosamente cada descripción para descubrir que profesión quiere ejercer cada persona.
Comparatives and Superlatives
CrucigramaLas palabras ocultas en el crucigrama son las que completan cada oración por lo tanto analiza bien cada oración para identificar si debes usar la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo en parént...
Completar frasesPractice the use of HOW MANY and THERE WERE by completing these sentences.
Past Participle form
Ruleta de PalabrasStudents are going to practice the past participle form of some common verbs
Present Perfect
Ordenar PalabrasStudents are going to put in the correct order some present perfect sentences
Thinking out loud
Completar frasesstudents have to complete the lyrics of the song thinking out loud