Un jeu de mémoire pour pratiquer les verbes avoir et être en français.
La Salle de classe
Relacionar ColumnasPlusieurs mots pour decriver la salle de classe
Relacionar ColumnasMatch these Easter pictures with the correct vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch these festive pictures to the spoken words
La Maison
Relacionar ColumnasParts of a house
Meubles 2
Relacionar ColumnasMore French furniture
Vocabulaire Noel
Relacionar Columnasécoute et choisis l'image correct.
Relacionar ColumnasDishes in French
produits rouges
Relacionar Columnasecoute les mots et cherche le photo qui le correspond
oiseaux chanteurs
Relacionar Columnaschoisissez l'ouiseau pour chaque photo
Mots d'halloween 2
Relacionar ColumnasMore spooky French words
Mots d'Halloween
Relacionar ColumnasSome spooky words in French
Nourriture coloré
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the color with the fruit or vegetable
Grands oiseaux
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the birds with their names
Mots de Thanksgiving
Relacionar ColumnasSome food items you might find at your Canadian Thanksgiving
11 couleurs
Relacionar ColumnasFind the color that matches the audio
Vêtements pour temps froid
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the cold-weather gear to the photo
Vert et Marron
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the green or brown item with the corresponding photo
Objets colorés féminins
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the chair, lamp, or cup to the correct colored item
Vetements 1
Relacionar ColumnasSome basic clothing items in French
102 U3 verbes -cer
Relacionar Columnastrouvez le photo qui corresponde au mot vocabulaire
vocabulaire du camping
Relacionar Columnasvocabulary that goes with the camping silly picture
U8 Faire conjugated
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the conjugation with the most likely picture
102 U3 le corps
Relacionar ColumnasChoisis le photo qui correspond le mieux aux mots prononcés
102 U3 Verbes -ger
Relacionar ColumnasMatch these spell-changing verbs to the picture
Vocabulaire 6-15-22
Relacionar ColumnasSome fun vocabulary words you might see on the street
Prepositions et Directions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the directions to the picture
102 U2 on et être
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentence with the image that best relates to the verb
U7 Aller conjugated
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentence with the picture that best describes it
102 U2 être verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the spoken word to the picture
Animaux Sauvage
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the names of these wild animals to their pictures
U5 ne pas -re verbs
Relacionar ColumnasListen closely to hear whether the sentences are positive or negative
Animaux de nord amerique
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the spoken word with the picture
Animaux de ferme
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the name of the animal to the picture
U4 n'est pas
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture with the sentence, paying attention to whether it is positive or negative
102 U1 what day is it?
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the word in French and match it with the written translation
102 U1 Quelle heure est-il?
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentence with the correct time
U3 avoir conjugated
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt and match the person to the pronoun in the sentence
U3 singular or plural
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt and match with the most likely picture
les jours de la semaine
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the day of the week to the image in which the red square matches the Sunday-Saturday calendar week
102 U1 Passé Composé
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the conjugated verb with its past or present tag
Joyeux Anniversaire
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the vocabulary from the birthday song with the pictures
La Maison
Relacionar ColumnasEcoute et trouve les salles dans la maison
La Ville
Relacionar ColumnasQuelque part dans la ville. Ecoute et trouve le lieu.
U2 cinq sensations
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the feeling to the picture on the right
U2 Gens Colorées Singuliers
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the person and color with the image on the right
La Femme Froide
Relacionar ColumnasThese words match with the video, "La Femme froide". Match the new vocabulary with the pictures to help learn what the story is about.
La visage
Relacionar ColumnasÉcoute et associe
Les Formes
Relacionar ColumnasÉcoute et associe
Noms utiles pour la vie
Relacionar ColumnasÉcoute et associe
U2 etre conjugations
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pronoun with the conjugated verb
Nombres 11 - 20
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
Verbes -oir
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitive and match it to the picture that most closely matches the meaning
U4 Temps du jour
Relacionar ColumnasListen for the times of day and match them with the best picture on the right
Verbes -yer
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitive and match it to the picture on the right
Animaux domestiques
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt and match the animal name with the picture on the right
Jour de St. Valentin
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompts and match the valentines words with the pictures on the right.
U8 adjectifs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with the correct adjective. Good and bad are signaled with thumbs, whereas true and false are kinds of unicorns
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with the picture of the infinitive
U8 Venir
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentence with venir with the correct pronoun
U7 Salles
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt and match it with the correct room
Les chiffres
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt to the correct number
102 g-ge
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt and match the infinitive of the irregular verb with the picture
U6 adjectifs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio prompt with the picture on the right
U6 noms utiles
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with its picture on the right
U6 -ir en conjugasion
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the pronoun and verb and match it with the picture that best shows the correct conjugation
Les Fruits
Relacionar ColumnasSome fruits in French
Verbes de la guerre
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitives and match them with the corresponding picture
irregular -ir verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the infinitive with the corresponding picture
U5 -re conjugations
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the verb with the pronoun, and match it to the corresponding picture
U5 noms
Relacionar Columnasmatch the sound byte with the corresponding image
U4 ne...pas
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with the picture telling how someone is not doing something.
U4 preposition à
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the sentences. Some use verb + à, and some do not. Match them to the corresponding photo on the right.
U4, noms utiles
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with the corresponding photo
U4: la famille
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with the corresponding picture
U4 nouns: people
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt to the picture on the right
U2; etre singulier
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prompt with the person and emotion on the right
U2 masc/fem adjectifs
Relacionar ColumnasThese adjectives have different sounds depending on whether they describe something masculine or feminine. Except prête ;)
U2 5 sensations
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the feeling described, then match it to the picture on the right
U2 pronoms singuliers
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, and match the pronoun with the picture on the right
U1 adjectifs 2
Relacionar Columnas10 french adjectives (colors)
U1 Adjectifs 1
Relacionar Columnas5 french adjectives
U1 noms 2
Relacionar Columnaseight french nouns
U1 nouns 1
Relacionar Columnas5 nouns, audio and photos
U4 -er conjugasions
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, then match it to the person and the verb on the right
U3 Colored People
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, and match it to the person on the right that most closely matches
U2 adjectifs 2
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, and match the feeling to the image on the right
U 6 verbes -ir
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitive and match it with the corresponding image
U5 verbes -re
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitive and match it with the corresponding image
U4 -er Verbes
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitive and match it to the corresponding photo on the right
U3 pronoms etre
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the pronoun and verb and match it to the picture of the person on the right
U3 pronoms
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompts, and match them to the pictures on the right. Note that plural pronouns are indicated, while singular are not.
Les Vetements FT
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompts, and match the item of clothing with the picture
Tu et Vous IB
Relacionar ColumnasListen for the pronoun (tu or vous) and verb, and match it with the picture that matches it most closely.
Animaux AD
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the name and color of the animal, and match it to its picture on the right
U3; plural nouns
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the article before the noun and match it to the picture of one or several objects on the right.
Les Salles FT
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio prompt with the room pictured on the right
Les meubles 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio prompt with the correct furniture
U4, singular er conj
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the sentence and match it to the pronoun and verb pictured on the right
U4; beginning er verbs
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the infinitive and match it to the picture on the right
Simple Sentences IB
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the sentence and match it with the picture that most closely matches the meaning.
U1 fleurs colorees
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, and match the spoken word with the correctly colored flower
emotions et persons IB AD
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio prompt with the person and emotion
U2, avoir singulier
Relacionar ColumnasListen for the correct pronoun and item and match it to the picture on the right.
U2 first person pronoms
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pronoun to the photo
Quelle Couleur? IB
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt saying, "the item is color" and match the correct picture to the sentence.
Les Phrases Completes IB
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt and match the sentence with the item it describes
3 couleurs 3 objets
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, then match the item and the color to the picture on the right
Les Choses de classe AD
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, then match the item with its picture on the right
Choses dans la classe IB
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio prompt with the correct color and item
U1 Objets et articles
Relacionar Columnas10 objects with accompanying articles
U1 bureaus et chaises
Relacionar ColumnasMatch either the desk or the chair to the color named in the prompt
U1 10 colored choses
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the prompt, then match the object and the color with the photo on the right
14 produits
Relacionar ColumnasAssociez les sons avec les photos
French Articles IB
TestListen to the audio, then choose whether the noun is masculine (un) or feminine (une)
Negatives écouter SM
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the French sentences and match them with the negative on the right
Les Negatives écrit SM
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the written negatives with the English translations on the right
Addition up to 20 FT
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the math questions in column 1 and choose the correct answer from column 2
Addition 1-10 FT
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the addition problems in column 1 and choose the correct answer in column 2