animal 3
Animal 2
Animal 1
Adivinanzaanimal riddles
phonics group 4
Froggy Jumpsphonics for pre school and year 1
FACE words
Froggy Jumpsface words match
matching game for past sentence drill
adjectives KB1 4
Froggy Jumpsadjectives
Where am I?
Froggy Jumpsrooms, prepostions, house
Toys Game
Froggy JumpsBasic toys words, year 1 English
school things
Relacionar Columnas1st grade esl english
yr 6 irregular verbs
Crucigramairregular past tesne
Happy house 1 clothes
Relacionar Columnasmatching clothes and numbers
HH2, faces
Relacionar Columnasfaces and colours
Happy 2 food
Sopa de letrasfood words
Happy 2 food
Memorymemory game
HH1 birthday AUDIO
Relacionar Columnasmatch the words and pictures
Mapa Interactivograde 1 bday game
Mapa Interactivoclothes hh1
Sopa de letraswordsearch clothes
Relacionar ColumnasHH1 clothes
HH1 birthday
Relacionar Columnasmatch the words and pictures
Feelings Chit Chat 1, unit 4
Crucigramafeelings words for 3rd grade
Ruleta de Palabrasfamily members a-z
Ordenar Palabrasskládat odstavec.
House, yr 2
Relacionar Columnasmatching
House, yr 2
Mapa Interactivorooms and furniture
Mapa Interactivoobličej pro druhou třídu
my house
Mapa Interactivorooms and furniture
vyplnit mezery/napsat věty.
Chit Chat 2: Sports and hobbies
Sopa de letrasnajít slovíčka
Chit Chat 2: Bug Band
Mapa Interactivopopsat obrázek, hudební nastroje
Chit chat 1, intro
Ruleta de Palabrasbarvy a čísla pro 3 třídu Begins: začíná na pismeno... Contains: obsahuje pismeno....
Chit Chat 2, sport and hobbies
Relacionar Columnaspexeso/memory game: match the pictures and words
I can......
TestPřeložit věty do Aj.
Music Time, Chit Chat 2
CrucigramaChit Chat 2 intro
a or an
Testvybrat a napsat do věty a nebo an.
She's x She's got
TestVybrat nejlepší odpověď.
She's x She's got
Presentaciónzákladní gramatika pro 3 třídu.
there is, there are
Mapa Interactivowrite sentences about the picture e.g. napsat věty napřílkad. There are two TVs. There is one video.
Chit Chat 1 unit 11
Crucigramavocab review.
matching game. Images from pngtree
Clothes, Happy House 2.2
Mapa Interactivonapsát věty například I'm wearing a dress. I'm wearing shoes.
Clothes, Happy House 2
Memorymemory game
Clothes, Happy House 2
CrucigramaCrossword to practice clothes words
Clothes, Happy House 2.1
Mapa InteractivoImages from Happy House workbook. Interactive quiz.
prvouka 4 třída, savci
Completar frasesvyplnit mezery
prvouka 4 třída, savci
Adivinanzahádej co jsem
Past participles
Testwriting out past participles for irregular verbs
MemoryMatch the Czech and English sounds
On Safari
MemoryHappy House matching game
Where is...?
TestAnswer the questions. Use a sentence e.g. It is in the garden.
My House
Mapa InteractivoClick on the room and then type in the name. Kliknout a napsat. image from clipart station
What animal am I? # 4
AdivinanzaRead the clues and guess what I am.
What animal am I? #3
AdivinanzaRead the clues and guess what I am.
What animal am I? #2
AdivinanzaRead the clues and guess what I am.
What animal am I? #1
AdivinanzaRead the clues and decide what animal I am.
Happy House 1: Bathtime
Sopa de letrasEnglish EFL game for bathtime vocab
Happy House 1: Bathtime
Crucigramaenglish efl game
Entertain me
MemoryVocabulary review based on B2 level EFL for film and theatre
Happy house 1, EFL, Birthday vocabulary
Chit Chat 1: food
Sopa de letrasfood word search
chit chat
Happy House 1: Bathtime
MemoryBased on Happy House 1. Images from the textbook.
Chit Chat 1: apostrophe
Presentaciónwhen to use them
použivání apostrofů v angličtině
B2: characteristics
Completar frasesFCEfs vocabulary level b1-b2
B2: characteristics
CrucigramaFCEfs B1-B2 level vocab on character
Chit Chat 1: food
Ruleta de Palabrasfood words from 3rd grade efl
A2: Past Simple 3
MemoryIrregular past tense
A2: Past Simple 1
MemoryIrregular past simple
Chit Chat 1: clothes
CrucigramaBritish English, Chit Chat 1,ESL
Chit Chat 1: clothes
MemoryClothing for EFL grade 3, British English
B2: scenary
MemoryFCE level words for describing scenary
A2: past simple 2
Memorypast simple irregular