Structure of Sugar
TestRead the text and write or choose the correct answer.
How to Live Longer
TestRead the text and write or choose the correct response.
Tina´s advice.
Testread the text and write or choose the correct response.
Adaptation To Change
TestRead the text and choose or write the correct response.
The Brazil nut tree
TestAccording to the text choose or write the correct answer.
The Emperor Penguin.
Testread the text and choose the correct response.
Modal verb "Have to"
TestRead the sentence and choose the correct response.
TestRead the text and anser the choose the correct information.
Diagrama de Flujo Simbología.
Relacionar ColumnasEscucha el audio y relacionala con el símbolo correspondiente.
Diagrama de Flujo Mapa I.
Mapa InteractivoEscribe sobre el cursor la función del símbolo en el diagrama de flujo "Sólo tendrás dos intentos para escribir la respuesta correcta"
Algoritmo Diagramas de Flujo
Completar frasesEscribe la palabra correcta en el espacio en blaco.
Video QuizCrear y nombrar un mapa mental desde el programa Draw.io.
Pompeii Rome.
TestRead the text and write choose the correct option
Easy English
TestRead the text and answer the next questions.
Read the text and answer the next question.
TestRead the information again and answer the next questions.
Listen to the audio and choose the correct information.
Hannah’s story.
Testread and choose the correct answer.
Elige la opción correcta.
Software Educativo.
TestElige la información correcta.
A famous Painter
TestRead the text and choose the correct information
Choose if the information is false or true.
Read the description at the same time listen to the audio and finally choose the correct option.
Be going to
TestOrder the words to form the correct sentence.
El Santo
TestEl Santo's Life.
Observa la imagen y escribe la información correcta. Nota: cuando las respuesta sean 2 palabras escríbelas consecutivamente; 1era. palabra espacio 2da. palabra, ejemplo: Did play otro ejemplo sería...
Read the sentence and choose the correct information "Since or for"
Read the sentence and choose the correct information "Existential in English."
Present Perfect
TestWrite the correct response.
Verb to be in past
TestChoose the correct option verb to be in past.
choose the correct answer.
03 Irregular Verbs
TestListen to the audio and choose the correct form of conjugation of the irregular verb.
Regular verbs "Ed"
TestConjugate the following regular verbs in their correct form.
Choose the correct option according to the reading comprehension "Weekend stories."
Choose the correct option according to the reading comprehension "What are you going to do on your birthday?".
Listen the verb and write it in the blanks.
Irregular Verbs Crossword
CrucigramaLinsten to the audio and write the correct form of the verb in past.
Regular Verbs 01
TestListen to the audio and write the correct word.
Verbs 01
TestListen to the audio an write the correct verb.
Memorama Verbs
MemoryRelate the verb to the picture.
Activities in past.
Completar frasesWrite the correct verb in the blank.
01 Regular Verbs "Conjugation rules"
Relacionar ColumnasRelate the correct rule with the picture.
Scramble Sentence Past 06
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to form a type of sentence.
Scramble Sentence Past 05
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to form a type of sentence.
Scramble Sentence Past 04
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to form a type of sentence.
Scramble Sentence Past 03
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to form a type of sentence.
Scramble Sentence Past 02.
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words in order to form a sentence.
Scrambled Sentence Past 01
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words in order to form a sentence.
Completar frasesMembers of the family