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Das Verb Können - Lücken füllen Spiel
Fülle die Lücken mit dem Verb Können in der richtigen Form aus und übe die Konjugation in Präsens.
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Trennbare Verben 2
Die Wörter der Sätze mit den trennbaren Verben sind durcheinandergeraten. Kannst du sie in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen?
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Trennbare Verben Spiel
Entwirre die Sätze mit trennbaren Verben in diesem unterhaltsamen Spiel!
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Days of the week
At the end of the activity, you will be able to say the days of the week in order.
Relacionar Grupos
Famous Trios
TKT Exercise Unit 10. This is a quick review of the past 8 units. Group the three words to the unit it belongs in. Make sure you know and understand the three words or concepts that are found in th...
S12 The new baby
You are going to listen to a conversation between two people talking about a coming new family member. After that you will be able to practice the conversation. You can deactivate the sound of one of ...
Listen to a conversation in a restaurant between Bruce and his mother. Both have a surprise but who is the most surprised. After listening take the role of a character and practice the conversation.
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S10 Where are my glasses?
Actividad para practicar la comprensión lectora y la producción oral. Completa el dialogo con las palabras que faltan.
S10 Where are my glasses?
El objetivo de esta actividad es practicar la producción oral y la pronunciación a través de un dialogo.
S10 Grammar Test
El objetivo de esta actividad es comprobar tu conocimiento en el uso de los sustantivos que terminan en ing, el uso de los verbos direccionales y lo números ordinales.
S9 Speaking - Lonestar Ranch
El objetivo de este ejercicio es practicar la habilidad oral. Escucha la conversación entre un empleado de un hotel y un huésped. Practica la conversación asumiendo el papel de uno de los personajes.
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How to get to the university
Lee la siguiente conversación y completala con las palabras que faltan.
How to get to the University
El objetivo de esta actividad es practicar la producción oral. Escucha esta conversación entre un hombre y una mujer. La mujer quiere llegar a la universidad y pregunta por el camino. El hombre le ayu...
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My best friend
After you have practiced the conversation try to complete it with the missing words.
My best friend
El objetivo de esta actividad es practicar la producción oral y pronunciación. Escucha la conversación entre dos hermanos y asume el papel de uno de ellos para practicar.
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At the store
El objetivo de esta actividad es practicar la comprensión auditiva después de haber practicado la producción oral nominada "At the store". Completa el texto con las palabras faltantes.
At the store
El objetivo de esta actividad es practicar la producción oral practicando una conversación que se lleva a cabo en una tienda. Para lograr el objetivo se debe escuchar primero la conversación y después...
I live in a plane!
Este ejercicio tiene el objetivo de evaluar tu comprensión de lectura. Leerás un pequeño texto de un señor que vive en un avión.
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My grandfather
El objetivo de este ejercicio es practicar el uso de can y can't al igual de los auxiliares don't y doesn't.
Alicia's daily life
Lee el pequeño texto de la vida diaria de Alicia y contesta las preguntas eligiendo la respuesta correcta.
First Date
Escucha una pequeña conversación donde Eddie invita a Emily al cine. Practica la conversación para mejorar tu pronunciación.
Actividad para evaluar el conocimiento adquirido durante la semana 3 y 4.
S4 Simple Present
Practica la conjugación de verbos con he, she, it en presente simple. Además, también los auxiliares para la formación de preguntas en presente simple.
SP Planning to go shopping
Listen and practice a conversation where two people are planning to go shopping. Escuch y practica una conversación donde dos personas están planeando de ir de compras.
Practica la conjugación del verbo have, el uso de los artíclos a/an. Además practica la formación de los plurales.
S2 At the restaurant
Practica la conversación entre un cliente y el camarero en un restaurante y familiarizate con el vocabulario y practica tu pronunciación.
Ruleta de Palabras
Pre ejercicio Ben
Ejercicio pra practicar vocabulario antes de iniciar una lectura.
Vocabulary Ben
Presentation about vocabulary that appears in the reading about Ben from Australia
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Después de haber leido la información de la presentación del curso completa el siguiente texto para ver si te familiarizaste con los diferentes conceptos.
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Ordering information Max G.
Read the article about Max Garcia and put the events in the order they appear in the article.
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Maria and her family
Listen to Maria describing her family. Complete the text with the missing words of family members.
There is one mistake in each sentence. Write the sentence correctly.
Relacionar Grupos
Articles 2
Decide if the words use a, an, or no article and put them into the correct categories.
Ordenar Palabras
Listen to Teresa here: What is her opinion about the occupations you hear? Put the occupations, according to her opinion, in order from interesting to not interesting.
Quiz Simple Present
After studying the use and form of the Simple Present with statements and yes/no questions, you can answer this quiz to check your understanding.
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Activity 5.6
Listen to this audio: https://soundcloud.com/joe-anthony-rich/two-friends-visiting-places/s-SUYwy and then complete the text.
Activity 5.2
There is and There are with some, any, several, a lot of Select the correct option to complete the sentences.
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Activity 5.1
There is / there are with some, any, several, a lot of. Complete the paragraph. Type the correct affirmative or negative form of be.
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until - before - after (adv)
Join the two sentences. Use before, after or until. Remember to use the correct punctuation.
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Fernando's daily routine.
Complete the text with the correct time preposition according to the event order.
Relacionar Columnas
Amanda describing her week
Listen to Amanda describing her week. Match the days of the week to the activities.
Rewrite the sentences with the correct frequency adverb from the box. Example: Question: Monica takes the bus every day. Answer: Monica always takes the bus.
Frequency Adverbs
Put the words in the correct order to form sentences. Practice the use of frequency adverbs.
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Vocabulary Personality III
Read the short descriptions. Complete the text with the missing adjectives.
OM1 Unit 3.9
Simple Present - Information questions Read the text about Lisa. Then read the answers and write the questions.
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OM1 Unit 3.8
Simple Present - information questions Internet Survey Read the survey about websites. Complete the questions with What, Where, When, Why or Who. Then complete the survey in your notebook.
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OM1 U3.7
Simple Present Information Questions Instructions: Listen to the questions and match them to the answer.
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OM1 Unit 3.6
Vocabulary - free-time activities Instructions: Complete the sentences with the listed phrases from the box.
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Simple Past Verbs I
Complete the sentences. Use the Simple Past of the verbs in parenthesis.
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Activities U7
Complete the missing verbs in the blanks using the simple present or the simple past.
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can or can't
Complete the questions and shorts answers. Use can or can't and personal pronouns.
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and - but - so - because
Practice the use of connectors. Test yourself by doing this exercise.
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that - those - it - they
Practice the use of the demonstrative pronouns that and those and the subject pronouns it and they. Can you use them correctly? Test yourself by answering this blank exercise.
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this - these - it - they
Practice the use of possessive pronouns and subject pronouns. Can you use them correctly? Do this blank exercise to test yourself.
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Opposites U IV
Practice the opposites of these words: love, start, come, open, leave, get up, work, be late.
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Simple Present verbs
Complete the text with the correct verbs. Be careful with the verb forms.
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Simple Present II
Do you know when to use am, is, are, do and does in the simple present tense? Check your knowledge here!
Write the negative form 1. We are in Chinese class. We aren’t in Chinese class. .
Do this test to prove your understanding about capitalization and punctuation.
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Simple present exercise
Fill out the gaps with the correct verb in the correct form.
Asking information
Create 7 questions you use to ask for the first name, last name, country, telephone number, email address, date of birth and academic area.
voicemail message
Listen to a voicemail message and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
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Complete the conversation with the verb be and the correct wh-question word.
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Verb be 2
Complete the conversation between Kate and Hiro. Use short forms where possible.
Relacionar Columnas
Recognizing Cognates
Match the words from the text to the correct meaning. Here is the text again: My name is Pierre Boisseau. I speak French, English, and Spanish. I'm a student at Miami University, and I study compute...