Relacionar Columnas
medidas de perímetro y área
encontrar las parejas correspondientes a medidas y rectángulos
Here you will find some questions that will help you remember a very important concept in mathematics: Percentage. Try to answer all of them in the least possible time. GOOD LUCK!
Relacionar Grupos
Converting units of mass
Find pairs of metric measures of weight that are equivalent.
Lines, Angles and Polygons
In this puzzle you'll find words related to lines, angles and polygons. Try to fill it up in the least time possible.
Completar frases
You will find some sentences about polyhedrons that you need to complete properly. Write the correct word in each blank.
In the following crossword puzzle you will write words related to the mathematical concept: similarity. Be the first to complete it! Have fun!
Lines and Angles
My dear students. In this exercise you will find lines and angles that you need to classify properly. Complete it as fast as you can. Have fun!
Variables and Patterns
This crossword puzzle is related to the topic we are studying right now. Complete it as fast as you can! Have fun!
Relacionar Grupos
Equivalent Ratios
In the boxes you will find seven pairs of equivalent ratios. Try to find the seven pairs.
Relacionar Grupos
Match perimeter and rectangle
You will find given lengths and widths of different rectangles that you have to match with the appropriate perimeter.