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Past Simple, Past continuous
Fill in the gaps with a suitable verb tense: Past simple or Past continuous
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As..as, too, enough
Fill in the gaps with one of the following as....as, too, enough
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Comparatives and Superlatives
Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective.
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Places to visit
You have to classify the different places into two different categories: man-made or natural places
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Past Simple and Past Continuous III
Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets
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Past Continuous II
Complete the sentences: Use the past continuous form of the verb in brackets
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Past Continuous I
Complete the sentences with a suitable verb in the past continuous. Click on the auxiliary verb was/were and then on the main verb _____ing
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Children's stories and rhymes
Classify the following items into two groups: traditional stories or nursery rhymes. Click on all the items that belong to the same group.
where the wild things are
Try to solve this crossword to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary of the video