I-passive voice
Write the sentence in passive voice form. Ex: John collects money. Answer: Money is collected by John.
Video Quiz
Past simple vs past continuous
Complete the sentences with past simple or past continuous according to the video scenes.
Comparison as...as
Complete each sentence with as . . . as and the adjective or adverb in parentheses.
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Coffe vocabulary
Complete the conversation with special vocabulary for coffee shops
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Gap fill - prepositions
Read this short article about a famous guitar owned by John Lennon. For each space complete with a preposition.
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Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.
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present perfect text
Read the article about Google company complete with the verb in past participle
Already and yet
Give the answer for each question . If the sentence has (+) is =already if the sentence has (-) is yet. Example: Have you ever driven a sport car? +yes I have already driven a sport car or ...
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b-past simple
Complete the following text in past simple with the verbs in brackets.
Relacionar Grupos
Contable and Uncontable II
Make two groups with the following words according if they are contable or uncontable.
Relacionar Grupos
Contable and Uncontable
Make two groups with the following words according if they are contable or uncontable.
The Train
Listen the coversation a man and a lady are having at the train station then answer the questions.
Video Quiz
New year resolutions
Watch the video about the american serie Friends and answer the questions. Don't use contractions in your answers.
Relacionar Columnas
What is the Question
Match the appropiate WH question form for the information that it is in capital letter. Ex: - He is my TEACHER. Answer: WHO
Listening to phone numbers
IELTS activity . Listen to the phone numbers and write them below in a list. Please just Check till you have listened all 4 audios. Every audio has 5 phone numbers .Make DOUBLE SPACE between each...
Rewrite the sentences in the negative form of the present simple.
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I Adjectives and prepositions
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the box
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PI Past continuous
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in past continuous.
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Possessive adjectives
Fill in the blanks with the corresponding possessive adjective
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Comparatives and Superlatives
Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.
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PI Present Perfect
Present Perfect for life experiences- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
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PI Past simple sentences
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in past. DON'T USE SPACES OR PUNCTUATIONS.
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Present Simple - Positive sentences
Complete the sentences with the correct form of present simple.
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Verb to be - subject pronouns
Match the correct subject pronou with the corresponding verb to be.