CJE 1600 Week 4
A fun crossword puzzle that checks your understanding of this week's reading
CJE 1600 Week 1
A quick quiz to test yourself on your knowledge of this week's required reading
Ordenar Letras
CSP 1 - Week 3 Discussion
Try this activity to see if you an pick out the important concepts from this week's discussion.
Answer the questions to the quiz and take a screen shot when you complete it. This can be emailed to me in our class and counts as 1 response post.
CS Photo II - Week 9
Here is a fun way to participate in the dicussion area. Complete the crossword and send me a screenshot showing me that you completed it.
Fingerprinting Week 9
Here is a fun, different activity you can complete for participation points in the discussion!
Example of Crossword Puzzle
This is an example of a fun activity you could use for the discussion area. They are very easy to make! Check it out!
CSP II - Week 8 Discussion
Complete the crossword puzzle and have it count for one discussion response!
CSP 1 - Week 2 Discussion
Fill out this crossword puzzle to check your understanding of definitions!
This "spot check" will help you to see if you're on the right track with this week's definitions and concepts.