Fill in the gaps
Ordenar LetrasGood evening. Now you have to fill in the gaps some missing words related to greetings.
Tag Questions
Relacionar GruposIdentify the correct answer
Tag Questions
Ordenar PalabrasOrganize this sentence
Reported Speech
Completar frasesComplete the sentence with the appropriate phrase. Write only ONE word in each space.
Relacionar GruposMatch the events.
For and Since
Completar frasesUse FOR or SINCE to complete the sentences.
Relacionar GruposEstimados estudiantes; Deberán seleccionar los Sustantivos Contables e Incontables según corresponda el grupo.
Completar frasesDear student; You should complete the following sentences with the tag question
Comparatives and Superlatives
Completar frasesComplete the following senteces using the Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives
Preposition of time
Completar frasesYou should complete the sentences using the prepositions of time.
Relative Clauses
Ordenar LetrasPut in order the following sentences
Ordinal Numbers
Relacionar GruposYou have to match the right word.
Adverbs of Frequency
Completar frasesComplete the sentences.
Phrasal Verbs
TestThis is a short test, pay attention and answer
Simple Past and Past Perfect
Ordenar PalabrasPut in order the sentences
Modal verbs
Completar frasesYouhave to complete the sentences
Countable and Uncountable
Completar frasesHello dear students; You have to complete de questions
Sopa de letrasFind the words and create a short story with these. Take into account to use the conditionals.
Sopa de letrasResuelva la siguiente sopa de letras y construya un dialogo con las palabras encontradas, debe usar las preposiciones de tiempo en inglés vistas en la actividad.