Everyday Activities
Relacionar ColumnasDaily Activities
The House
CrucigramaTypes of houses and parts of the house
Ruleta de PalabrasClothing
Descriptive Adjectives Challenge
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the descriptive words based on their definitions for each letter of the alphabet!
Risks and dangers
Ruleta de PalabrasRisks and dangers
Restaurant and Kitchen Staff
Ruleta de PalabrasResturant Staff
Restaurant Parts Word Search
Sopa de letrasFind the hidden words related to different parts of a restaurant in this word search puzzle.
Character Adjectives
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the following adjectives that characterise people
School Subjects and Items
Ruleta de PalabrasSubject and items for school
CrucigramaFeelings vocabulary
School Subjects
CrucigramaWrite the names of the different school subjects.
Sopa de letras3ºESO Ies
Jobs and occupations
Sopa de letrasGetting started, vocabulary review
Crime and punishment
CrucigramaFind the different elements belonging to the crime and punishment lexicon
Sopa de letrasFind the following terms related to security
St. Valentine's Day
Sopa de letrasLook for the following words related to St. Valentine's Day.
Jobs and professions
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters to get the name of different jobs and professions
Means of transport
Ruleta de PalabrasTry to guess the following means of transport
Household Appliances
Sopa de letrasDidactic Unit 14
Relacionar ColumnasDidactic Unit 14
Adjectives of feeling
Sopa de letrasDidactic Unit 13
Special Occasions
Relacionar ColumnasDIdactic Unit 13
Materials to be recycled
Sopa de letrasDidactic Unit 12
Life events
Relacionar ColumnasDidactic Unit 12
Shopping vocabulary
Sopa de letrasDidactic Unit 11
Shopping vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasDidactic Unit 11
Cinema set vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasDidactic unit 10
Parts of the body
Sopa de letrasDidactic Unit 9
Ordenar LetrasDidactic Unit 8
Sopa de letrasDidactic Unit 7
Technology verbs
Relacionar ColumnasDidactic unit 7
Crime and punishment
Ordenar LetrasDidactic unit 6
Comparative and superlative
Ruleta de PalabrasDidactic Unit 6
Comparative and superlative
Sopa de letrasAdjectives DU 6
Global Warming
Relacionar ColumnasDidactic Unit 5
Relacionar ColumnasProfessions 2 ESO DU 4
Descriptive Adjectives
Relacionar ColumnasMatching exercises Didactic Unit 3
Sopa de letrasSearch the different sports of the following list
Days and months
Ruleta de PalabrasWith this activity children will enjoy while learning both the days of the week and the months of the year
Months of the year
CrucigramaMeses del año
Days of the week
Sopa de letrasDías de la semana
Numbers 1-10
Sopa de letrasFind the numbers from 1 to 10
The human body
Mapa InteractivoEl cuerpo humano
Keeping healthy
TestMantenerse en forma
Healthy habits
Sopa de letrasHábitos saludables 2º primaria
Enfermedades y dolores
AdivinanzaEnfermedades y dolores
Human body and illnesses
Ruleta de PalabrasHuman body and illnesses
Illnesses crossword (primaria)
Sopa de letrasEnfermedades
Illnesses (primaria)
The human body (primaria)
CrucigramaParts of the human body
Letters order
Ordenar LetrasUse the following letters to form words related to sports
Sopa de letrasFound a series of adjectives form through nouns. E.g. care - careful