The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 9
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 8
Ordenar Palabrasorder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 7
Ordenar Palabrasorder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 6
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 5
Ordenar Palabrasorder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 4
Ordenar PalabrasThe rising action
The Legend of S. H. characters
Ordenar PalabrasReorder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of S. H. setting
Ordenar PalabrasReorder the words to tell the story!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow introduction
Ordenar PalabrasReorder the words to tell the story!
routine 3
Ordenar PalabrasReorder the words to answer the question!
routine 2
Ordenar Palabrasreorder the words to answer the question!
Ordenar Palabrasreorder the words!
David Bowie's short bio
Completar frasesFill in the text with preterit forms!
report on a city I visited in
Completar frasesfill in the sentences with the right verb in preterit tense
Sleepy Hollow trailer vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch each word to its definition!
street art techniques
Crucigramawrite the words corresponding to these art techniques
New York City
Crucigrama10 things to do in NYC
Thriller vocabulary test
CrucigramaWrite down the corresponding words in the boxes
A ghost story
Completar frasesfill in the blanks with adjectives!
Dracula Chapter One
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with the preterit forms of the verbs into brackets ( ).
Bram Stoker's Dracula poster
CrucigramaFind the English equivalents
Crucigramawords dealing with fear
a candidate's program
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the right order
a candidate's program
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the right order
a candidate's program
Ordenar Palabrasput the words in the right order
a candidate's program
Ordenar Palabrasput the words in the right order
election program
Ordenar Palabrasput the words in the right order
vote for me
CrucigramaFind the vocab words corresponding to the definitions
Ordenar Palabrasanswering
Ordenar Palabrasanswering
Ordenar Palabrasasking questions
Ordenar Palabrasasking questions
Ordenar Palabrasasking questions
Ordenar Palabrasasking questions and answering about housework and chores
Captain Cook 1
Crucigramasea vocab.
invitation card questions
Ordenar Palabraswh questions
invitation card questions
Ordenar PalabrasWH questions
invitation card questions
Ordenar PalabrasWhat type of party will it be?
invitation card questions
Ordenar PalabrasReorder the words and find out the questions on important information in an invitation card!