Jobs and Occupations
Sopa de letrasCarlos Vicente Llanos Rivera
Family Members
Sopa de letrasFamily Members
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the name of the following animals
Past Simple Verbs
Sopa de letrasCarlos Vicente Llanos Rivera
Past Simple Verbs
Sopa de letrasCarlos Vicente Llanos Rivera
Past Simple (D)
TestChoose the right answer to complete the sentence in the Past simple tense.
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Sopa de letrasFind out the words.
Past Simple
TestChoose the right answer to complete the sentence in the Past simple tense.
Match the countries
Relacionar ColumnasMatch countries names with their flags.
Countries around the world
Ruleta de PalabrasListen carefully and write the name of the country.
Wonders of the World
Mapa InteractivoFind the wonders around the world.
Nations of the World
Sopa de letrasFind the following countries.