Ruleta de Palabras
Animals, places and weather vocabulary review
Reviewing game about animals, places and weather vocabulary
Mapa Interactivo
Comparatives and places descriptions review
Reviewing game about the comparative phrases and places descriptions
Mapa Interactivo
Comparatives and physical descriptions review
Reviewing game about the comparative phrases and physical descriptions
Mapa Interactivo
Comparatives and animals review
Reviewing game about the comparative sentences and the animals for 1º ESO
Video questions reviewing B2 vocabulary and grammar
Video questions reviewing B2 vocabulary and grammar
Ruleta de Palabras
Unit vocabulary check for A2
Unit vocabulary check for A2, including verbs, vocabulary and collocations from the unit's wordlist.
Video Quiz
International food
Ejercicio práctico basado en la comprensión del vídeo en inglés y en el análisis del contenido por medio de preguntas abiertas y de tipo quizz con las que se practicará vocabulario relacionado con la ...