Daily Routine Quiz
TestTest your knowledge about daily routines with this fun quiz!
Organize the sentences
Ordenar PalabrasOrdena las oraciones utilizando los adjetivos.
Arrange the structure
Ordenar PalabrasUsing the forms study in class. Arrange the structures
Colors Word Search
Sopa de letrasFind the colors hidden in this puzzle.
Matching game. Family tree
MemoryFind the family member for each card
Descriptive Adjectives Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of adjectives used to describe people in this fun quiz game!
Family Tree
Sopa de letrasEncuentra las palabras en la sopa de letra. Mom, dad, grandma, grandad, uncle, aunt and cousin
Numbers from 5 to 10
Ordenar LetrasOrdena la escritura de los siguientes números en inglés. Desde el 5 hasta 10