Family crossword
CrucigramaSolve the crossword
Choose the correct object pronoun.
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters
CrucigramaSolve the crossword
Contact details
DiálogoPut the sentences in a correct order
Numbers 0-10
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the numbers with the words
Types of food
CrucigramaComplete the crossword
Choose all correct answers to questions.
Food names
Froggy JumpsChoose a correct option
Adverbs of frequency
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble sentences
Countable, uncountable
Froggy JumpsChoose a correct option
Countries (extra)
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the countries
The Present Continuous
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the sentences
School places
CrucigramaDo the crossword
Choose a job
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and the jobs
Sopa de letrasFind the countries
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the countries
Complete the sentences
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct word to complete the sentences