Dialectos del castellano
Relacionar ColumnasLas influencias lingüísticas y culturales que explican los dialectos del castellano en el Ecuador. Escoja la palabra quichua con su significado en español
Relacionar ColumnasSteps to summarize Writing process
Visiting outer space
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the corresponding pictures.
Relacionar ColumnasWhy do people need a telescope nowadays?
Outer space
DictadoWhat can we find in outer space?
Environmental problems
Relacionar GruposCauses and effects of the environmental problems
Solutions for the environment
CrucigramaWords about who to protect the enviroment
Zero and First Conditional
Relacionar ColumnasMatch sentences about Zero and First Conditional
Can we prevent climate change?
CrucigramaHow to prevent climate change? How?
Environmental issues
DictadoWords about environmental issues
Environmental issues
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words with the pictures about environmental issues
DiálogoTalk about coronavirus
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures with definitions
Words about global citizenship
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words about global citizenship
Global citizenship
DiálogoTalk about a good citizen
Interculturality Words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words about interculturality
DiálogoPhrases about interculturality
Relacionar ColumnasEnvironmental problems
DiálogoHumans and the environmental problems
Discoveries and Inventions
DiálogoTalk about discoveries and inventions
Discoveries and inventions
Sopa de letrasSolve the wordsearch about discoveries and inventions
Sopa de letrasLearn words about the family
DiálogoDialogue about the family
DiálogoDialogue about Reduce-reuse-Recycle
DiálogoDialogue about emotions
Dictation Movie-Biographies
DictadoListen and write sentences about biographies in simple past
Crossword-Verbs Past
CrucigramaListen and complete verbs in past
Match-Simple past-Movies
Relacionar GruposMatch the sentences in the Simple Past- Movies
Movies-a biography
DiálogoThe Simple Past
Completar frasesComplete
Movie Genres-Dictation
DictadoDictation about movie genres-Simple Present
Movie genres-dialogue
DiálogoTalk about movie genres
Movie Genres-Complete
Completar frasesComplete the verbs in the Simple Present
Movie Genres
Relacionar ColumnasDescriptions about movie genres- Simple Present
Meeting and old friend-Perfect
DictadoDictation-Present Perfect
Meeting an old friend-Perfect
Completar frasesPresent Perfect-auxiliaries (have-has)
Meeting an old friend-Perfect
DiálogoPresent Perfect
Meeting an old friend-phrases
Completar frasesVocabulary about verbs
Where I am from-Present-Phrase
DictadoSimple Present-Descriptions
Where I am from-Present-verbs
Completar frasesSimple Present-verbs
Where I am from
Sopa de letrasColors, physical appearance and sports
Where I am from
DiálogoPersonal information-Simple Present
Dictation water
DictadoDictation about water
Water - Verbs Past
CrucigramaVerbs Past about water
Completar frasesPhrases about water
The universe-Verbs Past
CrucigramaVerbs simple past
The universe-phrases
Completar frasesPhrases about the universe
The origin of the universe
DictadoDictation about the origin of the universe by using the simple past.
The origin of water
DiálogoSimple Past
Origin of the universe
DiálogoSimple Past
DiálogoSpeak about greetings
Sopa de letrasVERBS
Should for advice
TestSelect the correct option.
Answer the correct option.
Imperative form
Completar frasesComplete the following text with the verbs. Use the imperative form.
Second Conditional
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the first with the second part of a sentence
Short adjectives1
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words
Obligations-have to
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words
Free time activities
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words
Hair Styles
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words.