
Sus juegos

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  • Sí o No

    Bu o'yinda siz fuqarolik tarbiyasi, mafkuraviy tarbiya va o'quvchilarni ekologik va iqtisodiy tarbiyasi bilan bog'liq so'zlarga javob berasiz. Har bir so'z uchun siz ✅ yoki ❌ belgisini tanlashingiz ke...

  • Completar frases

    Test your knowledge on writing opinion essays with this engaging fill-in-the-blanks game!

  • Test

    Test your knowledge about the United States with these fun trivia questions!

  • Sí o No

    In this game, players will determine whether the given statements about the USA are true or false. Test your knowledge about the United States and see how much you really know!

  • Memory

    Узнайте и запомните основные понятия, связанные с темой 'Телефон', играя в эту увлекательную карточную игру.