students search climate vocabulary
Unscramble the letters
Find the landscape words.
match the acitive with the passive Voice
Find 10 verbs in participle.
Check your georaphic knowledge about thius region.
How do we write and read numbers? Choose the right option.
Match numbers and words
Write down the written form of each large number presented to you.
Find materials
Let's find materials
Let's revise the gadgets
Let`s check how much have we learnt!
Read definitions and complete crossword.
Words related to natural world
Look at the pictures and write the past form of the verbs.
Write the past of the verbs
Second midterm portfolio activity
Unscramble the words.
fill in the gaps
8 th grade
Popuni tekst ponudjenim pridjevima Maternji jezik, 5. razred (11- 12 godina)