Ordenar Palabras
Unit 3 grammar kids can 6
Test your skills by unscrambling sentences about obligations and necessities.
Ordenar Palabras
Unit 3 kids can 5
Pon a prueba tus habilidades de gramática en inglés con este divertido juego de palabras.
Ordenar Palabras
Unit 5 6°
Pon a prueba tus habilidades desordenando frases sobre el pasado continuo.
Ordenar Palabras
Unit 4 past simple 6°
Test your knowledge of verb forms with this fun unscramble game!
Ordenar Palabras
Present simple and continuos unit 1 5° Kids can
Test your skills by unscrambling sentences about two important verb forms.
Froggy Jumps
Complete the Sentences with 'Have Got' Quiz
Test your knowledge of completing sentences with 'have got' in English with this fun quiz game!
Froggy Jumps
Past Simple Verbs Quiz
Test your knowledge of regular past simple verbs with these 10 questions!