Теңге туралы жұмбақтар
AdivinanzaЖұмбақтарды шеш
Past continuous
Froggy JumpsComplete the sentences
Complete the sentences
Completar frasesfill in the gaps
Sí o NoCorrect false sentences.
Present continuous tense with future meaning
Completar frasesPut the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. Decide if the sentences refer to the present or the future.
What do you know about Abay?
Unscramble the words.
Ordenar LetrasThen do Ex 6, p 80
Can for request and possibility
Ordenar PalabrasMake sentences.
My Pictionary Dictionary
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters to find the sport.
Comprehension check
Sí o NoCorrect the sentences if they are not right
Correct the sentences
Sí o NoCorrect