Future Lit
Froggy JumpsUnit 4 - questsion s
Unit 1
Mapa InteractivoKangaroo
Grammar Challenge Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of articles, pronouns, and the verb 'to be' in this fun quiz!
Grammar Mastery Quiz
TestTest your knowledge of articles, pronouns, and the verb 'to be' in this fun quiz!
Adjective-Noun Matching Game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives with their corresponding nouns from the story.
Basic 1 - unit 10
Mapa InteractivoHouse description
Test your knowledge about the Tomato Festival with these fun questions!
Food Preference Quiz
TestTest your knowledge of favorite food types with this fun quiz!
Cuisine Match-Up
Relacionar ColumnasTest your knowledge of international cuisines by matching the type of dish to its country of origin!
Food Pairings Memory Game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the food with its perfect pair in this delicious memory game!
Food Ingredients Quiz
Sí o NoTest your knowledge of food ingredients by answering whether the listed items are part of the given dishes.
Basic 1
Relacionar Columnasunit 9
Underwater Friends Matching Game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sea creatures with their descriptions in this fun underwater game!
Fill in the Blanks: What's in Your Pocket?
Completar frasesGuess the items in the pocket by filling in the blanks with the given options.
Unit 12
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of what's in your pocket with this fun quiz game!
Basic 1
Mapa InteractivoUnit 9
Basic 1
MemoryUnit 9
비행기 용어 맞추기
Relacionar Columnas영어 용어와 한국어 용어를 맞춰보세요! 비행기와 관련된 용어들이 포함되어 있습니다.
basic 1.
Completar frasesunit 4
Basic 1
Relacionar Columnasunit 4
baisc 6 unit 11
Relacionar Columnas영어 단어와 한국어 단어를 맞추는 게임. 비행기와 관련된 용어를 연습해보세요!
Animal Traits Unscramble
Ordenar PalabrasUnit 5
Non Fic 1. Unit 5
Completar frasesStory match
sight words non-fic
Memorysight w
Classroom Word Scramble
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble words related to a classroom setting.
non-fic phonics
Memorya an am
basic 3 vocab
Memoryunit 4
basic 1 unit 4
Froggy Jumpsgeroge
Non fic unit 4
Completar frasesGuess the baby animals! Fill in the blanks with the correct names of the young ones of these mother animals.
Around Town Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of Anika and Hiran's adventure around town in this fun quiz game!
Around Town basic 6 u.9
Sí o NoAround Town is a game where players have to answer ✅ or ❌ to different elements related to a town visit, following the interactions between Hiran and Anika as a guide.
basic 6 unit 9
Relacionar Columnasvocab
basic 1 vocab
Relacionar Columnasunit 3
Non fic 3 vocab
Sí o Novocab
Non fic 1 unit 4
Relacionar Columnaspup/pups
non fic unit 3- single or plural
Sí o Nosingle or plural
Non fic - unit 3
Relacionar Columnasnumbers
basic 1 - unit 3
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble words to reveal Yoona's family story!
basic 1 unit 3
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with key words from Jorge's story. Fun game for kids to learn about Jorge and his grandpa.
basic 1 unit 3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the English words with their Korean translations. Test your language skills!
NON fic unit 2
Froggy JumpsI SEE
NON FIC Unit 2
Relacionar Columnasvocab
NonFic 1 - unit 2
MemoryUnit 2
non fiction 1 unit 2
Completar frasesUnit 2
basic 1 unit 1
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about this happy family from Canada!
basic 1 unit 1
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with family members from Canada in this fun game!
basic 1 unit 1
Relacionar Columnasbasic 1 unit 1
prime 1 unit 6
CrucigramaSolve this crossword puzzle related to artistic activities.
prime 1 unit 6
Froggy Jumpsprime 1 unit 7
Cleanliness in Schools Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about cleanliness in schools around the world with this fun quiz game!
basic 6 unit 8
Froggy Jumpsbasic 6 unit 8
basic 6 unit 8
Ordenar Letraswords
basic 6 unit 8
Relacionar Columnasbacis 6 unit 8
non fic sounds
Relacionar Columnassouynd
Non fic 1
Froggy Jumpsstory
Non fic 1
Completar frasesStory
non fic 1
Relacionar Columnasvocab
Cold and Flu Quiz
TestTest your knowledge about colds and flu with this fun quiz game!
basic 1 - unit 1
Sopa de letrasbasic 1 - unit 1
basic 1 unit 1
Memorybasic 1 unit 1
basic 1 - unit
Testbasic 1- unit 1
basic 1 unit 1
Relacionar Columnasbasic 1- unit 1
prime 1 unit 6
Testprime 1 unit 6 story
prime 1 - unit 6
Sopa de letrasvocab prime 1 un 6
prime 1 unit 6
Relacionar Columnasunit 6 vocab
Water Safety Unscramble
Ordenar PalabrasDecode water safety tips in this fun game!
Water Safety Fill in the Blanks
Completar frasesLearn water safety tips and fill in the blanks with the ABCs of staying safe around water in this fun and educational game.
Downtown Fun Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about a fun day downtown with this quiz!
basic 6- unit 7
Relacionar Columnasvocab
writing 1
Completar frasesunit 1 sentences
write best unit 1
Relacionar Columnasvocab
basic 6 - unit 6
Relacionar Columnaspresent-past
basic 6 Unit 6
Completar frasesBasic 6 Unit 6
basic 6 unit 6
Relacionar Columnasbasic 6 unit 6
Prime 1 unit 4
Completar frasesEnjoy a heartwarming story about a father and daughter exploring old treasures. Fill in the blanks with key words to complete the tale!
prime 1 Unit 4
Froggy Jumpsprime 1 unit 4
Prime 1 - Unit 4.
Relacionar Columnasprime 1- un 4
basic 6 . un 6
Sí o NoTest your knowledge about my uncle's journey and the countries he visited!
basic 6. un 6
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with the missing words from my uncle Ahmed's journey to Greece, Spain, Japan, Brazil, and the United States.
prime 1 u.3
Completar frasesFill in the blanks
prime 1 u.3
TestTest your knowledge about Errol's best friends, Eshan and Yann!
Prime 1 unit 3
Relacionar Columnaswords
Test your knowledge about emperor penguins and their unique behaviors!
Prime 1 - unit 2
Completar frasesA fun game to learn about Emperor penguins and their life in the Antarctic.
English-Korean Vocabulary Match
Relacionar ColumnasTest your knowledge of English and Korean vocabulary with this matching pairs game!
영어 단어와 한국어 매치하기
Relacionar Columnas영어 단어와 한국어 단어를 매치하여 사막, 피라미드, 건설, 큰, 마을, 조각상, 과거, 미래 등을 배우세요.
past tesns
Pyramids of Giza
Completar frasesExplore the ancient wonders of the Pyramids of Giza and learn about the builders and their village in this exciting Fill in the Blanks game!
Basic 6 unit 5
TestTest your knowledge about the famous Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx in Egypt!
Fill in the Blanks: A Tall Tower in Shanghai
Completar frasesFill in the missing words to complete the story of a family's visit to the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai.
A Tall Tower in Shanghai
Sí o NoTest your knowledge about the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai!
Word Definitions Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of word definitions with this quiz game!
영어와 한국어 단어 맞추기
Relacionar Columnas영어와 한국어 단어를 맞추는 게임입니다. 매치할 단어 쌍을 찾아보세요!
School Memories
MemoryRemember your school days with this fun memory cards game featuring concepts like ring, sweatshirt, uniform, lonely, magazine, cafeteria, chat, and recess.
Prime 1- Unit 1
Sí o NoTest your knowledge about twin sisters Carla and Lorena!
Prime 1- Unit 1
Completar frasesTwin Sisters, Carla and Lorena
prime 1 - unit 1
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of word definitions with this quiz! Can you match the correct word with its definition?
prime 1 - unit
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble letters to find words related to technology. Can you solve them all?
prime 1- unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the English words with their corresponding Korean translations. Test your knowledge of English and Korean vocabulary!
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble letters to discover famous structures from around the world!
Basic 6 - Unit 4
MemoryTest your memory with famous landmarks from around the world in this fun and educational memory card game!
Relacionar Columnas건물, 박물관, 탑, 높은, 다리, 성, 사원 맞추기 게임
Fill in the Blanks: Look at me!
Completar frasesFill in the blanks game about a person in a backyard, hanging on a tree branch and climbing trees.
Basic 2 - Unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatching sentences
Froggy JumpsBasic 2- uinit 1
Body Parts Word Search
Sopa de letrasFind the hidden words related to different body parts in this word search puzzle!
Happy Body Memory
MemoryA fun memory game to learn about body parts and expressions. Match the cards and improve your memory skills!
Relacionar ColumnasBasic 6- Unit 3
Test your knowledge about the first people on Earth and their way of life.
Fill in the Blanks: The First People on Earth
Completar frasesBasic 6- Unit 3
Basic 6- Unit 3
Basic 6 - unit 3 Vocab
Froggy JumpsVocab
Basic 6 - unit 3 Vocab match
Relacionar ColumnasVocab match
Learning in the Wild
Sí o NoA game to test your knowledge about learning in nature reserves
New York City
Sí o NoTest your knowledge about New York City!
Fill in the Blanks: Big Cats in Danger
Completar frasesFill in the Blanks game about the endangerment of big cats and the efforts to protect them.
Big Cats in Danger
Sí o NoTest your knowledge about big cats and their conservation efforts!
Basic 6 - Unit 2
Sí o NoTest your knowledge about dinosaurs and the Museum für Naturkunde in this fun quiz game!
Basic 6- Unit 2
Relacionar ColumnasTest your knowledge about lizards with this fun matching pairs game!
Basic 6- Unit 2
MemoryTest your memory and learn about lizards with this fun and educational memory card game!
Dinosaur Museum in Berlin
Completar frasesLearn about dinosaurs and play a Fill in the Blanks game with keywords like 'terrible lizard' and 'T. rex'.