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Mini Grammar: As
In this game, learners will practice the use of the conjunction "as"
Ruleta de Palabras
Money, there you go!
In this activity, learners can review some vocabulary about money, such as verbs and verbs.
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Verbs in infinitive and gerund
In this activity learners can practice the gerund and verbs in infinitive
Activities - Verb phrases
In this activity learners can match some common activities in -ing as camping, going to the cinema
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Places and Buildings
In this activity, learners can review some vocabulary related to places and buildings found in a city.
Ruleta de Palabras
Body parts and hairstyles
In this game, learners can review body parts and hairstyles.
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Food containers
In this activity, learners have to match pictures with the corresponding container.
Ruleta de Palabras
Cooking actions and food
In this game, learners can practice some vocabulary related to food and cooking actions.
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Christmas vocabulary
In this game, learners can match some Christmas vocabulary, using the audio and pictures.
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Means of transport -Vocabulary-
In this game, learners can practice some compound nouns related to means of transport as well as transport's vocabulary!
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Small things!
In this game, kids can match some words with the corresponding pronunciation.
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Can you remember this?
In this game students practice some activities that can be done in the free time.
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Subject pronouns
In this game, kids can relate the pronouns with the corresponding picture.
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Sandwich ingredients
In this game kids can match fruits and other ingredients to make the perfect sandwich.
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In this activity you will find the vocabulary regarding Food tasting learned on lession 4. You have to match the pictures with the corresponding taste. (En esta actividad encontrarás el vocabula...