Búsqueda de Palabras: Tema 3 de Cono Santillana
Sopa de letrasEncuentra las palabras relacionadas con el tema 3 de Cono Santillana en este divertido desafío.
Unit 5 vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters of the vocabulary
Irregular verb test ***Easier Mode*** Froggy Jump
Froggy JumpsThis is a test READ AND WRITE Froggy Jump
Irregular Verbs 10 Years Old
Sí o NoTest your knowledge of irregular verbs with this fun and educational game designed for 10-year-olds.
Irregular Verbs Quiz
TestTest your knowledge of irregular verbs with this quiz game for 10-year-olds.
Alphabet soup Unit 4 Vocabulary 1,2
Sopa de letrasPrepared for the exam on March 20
Write the regular verb
Froggy JumpsThis is an exam. Write the regulars verbs.
Words from unit three. How will they be written?
Divisiones básicas
TestTest con vidas de divisiones
Unit 3 vocabulary
Sopa de letrasSoup of letters in all directions
Vocabulary 1 unit 6 correction
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters
Vocabulary 1 Unit 6
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters
Diary rutins GOING TO I NEED ...
Froggy JumpsRead the questions and write the solutions
Unit 6 vocabulary 2
Sopa de letrasTry to figure out where the vocabulary is.
Sumas restas y multiplicaciones basicas
Froggy JumpsElige la respuesta correcta
Foggy jump quests
Froggy JumpsQuestions
Order the words
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words
Marcos 16 Description
Sí o NoDescribe me please
MemoryTipic cartoons of the television
Magic cards
MemoryMagic cards
Where when what why who who long ...
Ordenar LetrasQuestions
Mapa InteractivoCountries
Words in english . Listening
Ruleta de PalabrasEnglish words listening test
Animal Alphabet
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the animal for each letter of the alphabet!
Animal Alphabet
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the animal word for each letter of the alphabet!