Vocabulary Review
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasreinforcement
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasReinforcement
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasvocabulary review
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasReview
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasreinforcement
Vocabulary Practice
Froggy Jumpsvocabulary identification
Grammar Structure
Completar frasesPractice
Sí o Nopoints
Vocabulary Review
Vocabulary Review
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasReinforcement
Vocabulary Review and Reinforcement
Ordenar LetrasPracticing the vocabulary words through sentences.
Dialogue Sentences
Completar frasesFamiliarizing the sentences.
Vocabulary Review
MemorySpelling and Pronunciation
Vocabulary Review
Ordenar LetrasReinforcement
Vocabulary Review
Ordenar LetrasRecognizing the words
Froggy JumpsReinforce the usage of conjunctions
Vocabulary Review
Sopa de letrasReinforcing the vocabulary
Phonics -ck and -tch
Froggy JumpsReview
Dialogue Sentences
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the sentence.